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Fair, bad planning tho for it not to be in trust

(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:21, archived)
Yeah, so many people don't realise it's something *anyone* can do, so they get mad at "rich people" for it.
It's a matter of education really. Sad.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:32, archived)
Some knob on here wondered how it was possible to have got like 6% growth or something in a pension
When you can't get that from cash.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:36, archived)
...one of my pension funds has gone up 8% since March.

(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:41, archived)

(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:55, archived)
That one's heavily invested in US tech stocks and korean superconductors etc
There's no way Microsoft, Visa, Nvidia, and Applied Materials are going to go tits up.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:59, archived)
Mine's sitting at around £20bn, 107% over-funded. Excellent.

(, Sat 21 Dec 2024, 13:41, archived)
I don't think she gave a fuck, to be honest
and I can't blame her. She wasn't close to her family and she had no dependents or partner so why bother? If I were her I'd have cancelled the insurance immediately after getting the mortgage.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:54, archived)
Single people don't need term assurance
If they die with an outstanding mortgage the lender will just take possession and sell it. Remaining funds would go to estate.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:56, archived)
When I was single and got my mortgage I had to demonstrate it'd be paid in the event of my death
I remember other friends having to do the same. Mortgage companies don't like the idea of the estate being unable to cover the cost of the mortgage which could easily happen if there were other debts, the property had fallen into disrepair etc. I guess it could depend on the lender though.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 12:01, archived)
Depends on the lender
Interest Only mortages have 'sale of property' as a valid capital repayment plan, dunno why C&I ones can't have the same thing.

In any event, like I said, if the borrower dies and there's no TA in place then they just take possession and sell. Easier for all parties for that not to happen, and decreasing term is so cheap it's a no brainer

Still, these things do happen.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 12:07, archived)
So, if there are greater claims on the estate than realisation of assets will achieve
how does it work? Wasn't anywhere near an issue with the estate I wound up as the mortgage was £40k, other debts about £6k and we got in £190k from death in service and a further £250k from the sale of the house.

If, say, the property had a mortgage of £200k, but had to be sold for £180k and there were £20k in debts, what happens then? I'm guessing there would be nothing to pay to the beneficiaries but what's the hierarchy of creditors? What if there were legal fees?

I'm just curious.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 13:09, archived)

(, Fri 20 Dec 2024, 14:20, archived)