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# erm what if you lost a family member?
i didnt, i'm just saying.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:16, archived)
# What if you lost a family member in World War II?
Doesn't mean jokes about Hitler aren't funny.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:17, archived)
# I think it's called...
"Foxhole humour," isn't it? Something dark is made light, in an attempt to deal with it. I mean, that's off topic, maybe, but I do the same thing. Laugh or cry, sometimes..
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:18, archived)
# it's windy.
i'm going to fly my kite.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:19, archived)
# Nah,
it's just funny to see the yanks getting shafted for once.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:19, archived)
# Did you see the extracts from Michael Moore's new book
in the Guardian this morning? A bit ranty, and some suspect logic, but interesting none-the-less.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:22, archived)
# Yeah, I did.
I think he's probably going to end up re-hashing a lot of the stuff that was in SWM, and a lot of it won't be that much of a revelation to a pinko-liberal tosser like me.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:23, archived)
# I think you're right,
but if I'd sold that many copies of a book, I'd get a follow up out damn quick, weather I had anything new to say or not ;)
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# That's
a bad spell of whether.

(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:26, archived)
# Arf !
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:27, archived)
# Nice
Response :o)
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:29, archived)
# i did
i do hope george writes back
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# Yeah, looks good.
But I can do without the anger I ended up suffering from on reading SWM.

Anyway, time to go hooooome. And roll a big spliiiiiff. Byee.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# Hahahahaha
They don't like it up them do they? But it's OK to be a terrorist.....as long as you're a Jewish terrorist.


Happy Yom Kippur to any of Gods chosen few with us today. You'll all be fucked if the horsemen turn up with a copy of the koran.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:22, archived)
# There's a classic Rown Atkinson radio sketch
where he's stood at the gates of heaven.

"Sorry, Christians and Jews in the hell line please, I'm afraid the Muslims were right"
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:23, archived)
# *Uber Pedant* - first time I've ever corrected anyone, don't know why I'm startin now!
Its.."I'm afraid the Jews were right."
Sorry, I only know cos I listened to that tape so much when I was a kid, wish I still had it
:( I'll shut up now
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 1:59, archived)
# *Uber Pedant* - first time I've ever corrected anyone, don't know why I'm startin now!
Its.."I'm afraid the Jews were right."
Sorry, I only know cos I listened to that tape so much when I was a kid, wish I still had it
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 2:00, archived)
# go on be a cunt about muslims now
you fuck
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:36, archived)
# ps
you'll be fucked if I turn up at a bash and you're there.

(not Jewish but I have been known to physically attack racists)
(, Mon 13 Oct 2003, 11:18, archived)
# right "for once"
why would it be funny to see the yanks getting shafted "for once"...? Like you perpetually get shafted and it's finally our turn?
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:06, archived)
# Pretty much
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:45, archived)
# I'm sure that if I tried really hard
I could remember a single instance of that in the last 100 years or so... but truth is that I don't remember thousands of your people dying in a terrorist attack aimed at disrupting your (and worldwide) economy. Nothing comparable anyway.

That, or I might just not care about your country any more than you care for mine...
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:27, archived)
# Not in one go...
but I believe just as many civilians were killed in the Northern Island 'troubles' as died on Sept 11th, it was just spread out over a lot longer. Bill Clinton was the first President to listen to the Brits asking for Americans to stop funding the IRA. No one in the British army used to eat in McDonalds because they were linked to funding terrorist organisations in Ireland.

But, as soon as America is attacked, in a horrific way, by a sociopath that they'd screwed over in the past (not that this excuses it, and that's bin Laden, not SH) then suddenly terrorism is the worst thing ever. So sorry if all the Brits don't seem too sympathetic, but we've been living with this sort of shit a lot longer than you, and we didn't decide to raze NI to the ground because of a few of them, though plenty of our troops and innocent people died - some of which was our fault, which is one of the reasons we shouldn't have gone in to Iraq with the USA, because we all ready knew how bad it could get when you're occupying somewhere.

(Hmmph. Something obviously pushed over my rant switch)
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 22:14, archived)
# I can see your point
but the psychological impact of having that many people die in one of the largest cities in the country, all in one attack, combined with the economic impact of the WTC crumbling is a lot easier to get excited about (for those of us who live in the States) than if Osama had killed a few handfuls at a time over a period of years. Also, we didn't raze Iraq to the ground; despite the ease with which we could have both from a viewpoint of military might and psychologically, considering Iraq is geographically far enough from the US that it wouldn't have an immediate and direct impact on us.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 22:58, archived)
I'd hardly call getting 'excited about' something a sound piece of reasoning upon which to go to war with two countries.

I think it's a bit too easy to throw generalisations around on this kind of subject. Britain has been living with terrorism for a long time now, I think a lot of Americans have failed to understand what we mean when we say -lots of the funding for the IRA came from the USA- and but still you had radio stations that would openly broadcast appeals to the American population asking for donations for them. Donations so that they could kill us. Donations so that they could kill me and my family (yep, we were considered legitimate targets because my father was in the civil service at the time. Oh those fun days of checking for car bombs before I got a lift to school in the morning).

There is quite a lot of bitterness about the hipocrisy of the US towards terrorism in other countries and against them. While I don't say it's right that we are bitter it's an easy sentiment to understand.

The destruction of Iraq could not have been more thorough. Sure, you could have killed everyone, but at least that would have been organised. Instead there is a power vacuum that will not be filled easily by democracy. Most Middle-Eastern countries have never existed in a democratic state and are perfectly fine about it, it's just a case of finding a benign dictator. The US is trying to impose a foreign system of government on the people and as such is destroying them in a way that bombs never could.

I think the point that people were trying to make earlier is really that the Sept 11th attacks were really to do with the way that the US automatically believes it has the right to impose their moral codes (and related cultural artifacts such as McDonalds and Gap) on the rest of the world... And that the US has the arrogance to assert that we should all be happy about this. The trouble is that I don't think America even noticed this aspect of why the attacks happened, the US was too busy being shocked... I mean, seriously, is 'The US is open for business' really the best way to represent a strong face into attacks? Is commercialism the answer or the problem?

I'm a bit passionate about this subject... Not that I think that anyone will change their minds because of anything I say.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 0:22, archived)
# I get it.
My point is, as I've made in other posts, that the duty of government is to provide for the best interests of the country it represents. Whereas the average citizen may want the world to be a happy place filled with sunshine, butterflies, rainbows and kittens; the government has only the responsibility to provide that (or as close as possible) within the borders of its own country.
If terrorism is a real and ongoing threat in your own country, blame the government that is responsible for taking actions to prevent it; which is not the US government, unless you happen to live on US soil.
The US's only interest in Iraq is it's oil. As far as the US government is concerned, it's the only thing in the area worth considering. This may sound harsh and mean, but it's business and business always boils down to the bottom line.
Of course the US government doesn't give a rat's ass about terrorist threats affecting other countries... they only care about their own country, as any realistic government has the obligation to.
Taking it out on Americans as a whole is a sign of total ignorance.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 0:52, archived)
# Its just funny to see the yanks getting shafted for once?
just like it was great to watch the Brits get bombed during WWII, in fact, i wish i had some more pics and films of it, haha, what fun that was. People getting shafted is okay... but that wasn't a shafting, and that was a really assinine comment to make
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 20:21, archived)
# Also called "Gallows Humour".
We could all take everything terribly seriously, but then not only would the world be an extremely depressing place, but b3ta would be a bit shit wouldn't it?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:20, archived)
# I agree that gallows humor is good
as long as its respectful enough not to just act as an arguement instigation technique for those who were actually affected by the event. In other words, jokes about Hitler are funny because most people directly involved in that war are dead and gone, not likely to get pissy about it. Jokes about TWC are still likely to get a fistfight started if they're told in the wrong crowd.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:52, archived)
# See
protracted arguement above.
(, Sun 12 Oct 2003, 12:20, archived)
# I lost a great uncle in WWI
don't you me making Kaiser jokes near me.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:19, archived)
# I lost a tenner in
Victoria station, yesterday.

don't even think about it.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:20, archived)
# I don't think
this has to do with that.

We in American have lived in such a bubble about the entire terrorist thing for so long. I think what that boo-hoo about was their loss of innocence.

Heym I have a question for you all.. what if terrorists crashed a plane into Big Ben?

(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:22, archived)
# I would
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:23, archived)
# It would have a certain comedy value.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# m-i-n-d-p-i-s-s
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:26, archived)
# i hope they do
the houses of parliament is such an ugly building
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# Okay...
Now you ALL say that. But it hasn't happened, so you don't know HOW you'd react. I myself remember it quite clearly... my feelings that is. Not anger, American Pride or any of that crap. I didn't know anybody who died that day. But what was nice, was the feeling that everybody had towards each other for the LONGEST time afterwards. That sense of unity... THAT was cool.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:26, archived)
# Well yes.
As long as you didn't look a bit foreign.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# that your leaders took
to screw nations over for oil & power

real nice
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# Hey...
I cannot be blamed for the actions of our president. He's wrong, and so is Tony Blair.

There are no "WMD's", and we all know it.

BUT.. support the troops at least.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:33, archived)
# I don't support
US troops. They are poorly trained and are murdering innocent civilians.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:36, archived)
# and getting paid for it
and will all claim compensation afterwards for trauma.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:39, archived)
# They get paid
very poorly though. Only 1000 $ a month and no compensation for being stationed abroad. I know that many of their wives need welfare support...
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:50, archived)
Remember, your troops are over there too.

Poorly trained... pah!
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:42, archived)
# not that we want them there
at all & and I don't support them - I pity them for having to do a stupid job and possibly die for companies like Exxon.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:45, archived)
# WHAT???
You HAVE to be joking... right?

that is without a doubt one of the most misinformed I've ever read from you.

ANd you are always such a lovely argumentative person!
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:15, archived)
# so going into
Iraq wasn't to secure the oil supply?? Oh really?

I enjoy a good argument, however you don't seem to really have the intelligence to understand half of what is being said to you. Unfortunately this is too much of a one sided argument so I'm going to give up and leave you to your misinformed, childish, bigoted, xenophobic, racist views.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:24, archived)
# That's it
Keep it up Darkedge. No better way of showing just how informed you are than to resort to openly insulting the other party.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 15:20, archived)
# Yes poorly trained...
Oh look an evil enemy convoy quick bomb it.
Oh, it was a BBC camera crew with some of our allies.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:46, archived)
# soldiers are there because they have to be
reporters are in the way because they're stupid. It would take a VERY big paycheck for me to stand in the vicinity of a 22 year old with a machine gun. Especially if he's done nothing since he was 18 other than get psychologically fucked with so that he will be hoping, not only willing, to shoot something. Reporters either know what the risks are (in which case it was their decision) or not (in which case killing them probably raised the average IQ).
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:02, archived)
# look mate
no matter what you say, the rest of the world hates america, thinks you are all cocks and treated 9/11 as a day of entertaining tv.*

*i am not legally entitled to speak for the rest of the world
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:54, archived)
# Nice disclaimer.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:55, archived)
# Let's try a little reason, shall we?
Wow, look at all the hateful bashing of the colonies.... I have several points to make on this
1) The US military is not poorly trained, just trigger happy. I was in the US military and also took advantage of opportunities to train with British, French, Australian, Tongan, Japanese armed forces. My biased opinion is that the average US infantry marine could stomp any other infantry soldier.
2) The job of any government is to provide for the best intrests of the country it represents. Any drivel about oppression, fairness or any other bleeding-heart sentimentality is just bullshit and doesn't belong in a political environment where jobs need to get done.
3) The US soldiers may have been the first in combat in Iraq, but they're not the only ones... Until your country/countries pull all their troops out, shut your cockholsters.
4) America is no more a "teenager flexing it's muscles" than britain was when the phrase 'the sun never sets on the British empire' was true. You had your time, you're in no position to judge.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:24, archived)
# Brits vs. Yanks
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:30, archived)
# Brits V. Yanks
I reckon Prince Charles could have George Bush
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 8:53, archived)
# Innocent civilians?
You mean those guys wearing civilian clothes that keep shooting at the troops? Yeah, our troops have been trained to return fire. Shame on them.

In the meantime, lets forget about the thousands of UNARMED innocent civilians they killed in the world trade center. Let's also forget that they've been killing each other for thousands of years now, just not as effectively as we can.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 18:01, archived)
# innocent civilians?
how about the innocent civilians who've died in this wholly unjustified "war"? how about the innocent civilians who die at the hands of the state of israel, whom we support financially? how about the innocent civilians in central america who die at the hands of generals trained by OUR military, in Georgia? I am an American who, like the rest of the world, is more than fed up with American militarism.

perhaps it is not the fault of the soldiers... but you know, if you look at it that way, the holocaust wasn't the fault of the german civilians who were "just doing their job" killing the jews, either. i don't buy that "it's what they were trained to do" garbage. it's KILLING A HUMAN BEING, no matter how you look at it. killing to avenge killing in no way should be an acceptable foreign policy. didn't ghandi say an eye for an eye makes the world go blind?

i will never, EVER, say i support the troops. until the day supporting the troops means bringing them home to their families, where they belong.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 3:21, archived)
# Welcome to Earth.
People have killed people for as long as they've been around. Killing happens, it's not a fun reality, but it's reality nontheless. There's lots of things about the world that suck, get over it.
(, Mon 13 Oct 2003, 15:34, archived)
# why support the troops
what they are doing is wrong - I cannot support any of it.

We are not blaiming you directly. Thats the problem with america is they now think everyone is out to get them. They arn't. 90% are just trying to survive. I cannot condone any acts of terrorism or war or capitalisic genocide/torture/rape.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:40, archived)
# Maybe part of the reason for the US's paranoia
is that we're constantly being put on the defensive for anything that our government does... Have the posts on this thread are a perfect example.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 23:00, archived)
# Urmmm
You don't have to feel "on the defensive" unless you actually support them.

I hear this a lot from you guys: Yes, we know George Bush is an idiot. But he is our LEADER.

(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 9:00, archived)
# He is not
your leader!
(, Sun 12 Oct 2003, 14:21, archived)
# I get defensive when
people attack "Americans" as a whole.... Attack George Bush all you want. After all, I didn't vote for him and don't think he should be allowed anywhere near the White House.
(, Mon 13 Oct 2003, 16:00, archived)
# As you said
to an extent it was America's wake-up call to terrorism. We're a bit more used to it over here.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# I would imagine so.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:34, archived)
# So
We the arabs should bomb america more often to make you feel more at one?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# Are you intentionally stupid?
Or does it come naturally?
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:06, archived)
# The trouble with England
though, is, if that happened, all the knobby skinhead, football-liking violent-heads would get all cocky and start beating up everything. National pride, in England, is wee
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# indeed
why is it, if your foreign friend loves his country, the media call him a Patriotist, if we love our country, the media call us Nationalists...
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:57, archived)
# It's a good pub game. If I was a terrorist I'd crash a plane into ...
Canary Wharf? Get a lot of business people. Destabilise economy.
Big Ben? International landmark. Iconic.

Swings and roundabouts this terrorism lark.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# The milly-unium
dome would be too obvious
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:25, archived)
# A bit pointless though.
Isn't it going to be demolished anyway?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:27, archived)
# Why demolish something,
when you can crash things into it?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:29, archived)
# Crash Concorde into it.
Kill 2 white elephants with one stone.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:31, archived)
# concorde is great tho
granted, its fucking expensive, but it represents the best of british design.

consider this..

concorde: 25+ years of service - 1 crash
boeing: 35 years of service - LOTS of crashes
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:34, archived)
# A-hem
British AND French design
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:36, archived)
# okay, i'll admit it
they helped slightly
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:38, archived)
# That's just averages though isn't it?
Look at the relative miles flown by each design. There must be 10,000 boeings flying every day, and only 6 Concordes in total.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:37, archived)
# in a way yes
but how many boeings were engineered to deal with the stresses of supersonic flight?

excluding jet fighters
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:39, archived)
# Well,
being as they don't fly at supersonic speeds, not very many I shouldn't think. My Skoda isn't engineered to do 200mph.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:45, archived)
# umm,
you haven't really thought that through have you?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:38, archived)
# not really
it was a spontanious post, i may have a few numbers wrong
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:40, archived)
# Consider this:
Try dividing the number of crashes by the number of planes.

Just a thought. And an unfluffy one. Perhaps I should go to the pub.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:40, archived)
# percenatges can make anything sound worse than it actually is
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:46, archived)
100% fact.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:49, archived)
# Nah
they's sold it for about 1/10th of what it cost to biuld. Someone's gonna build an "entertainment" venue inside - casino's & stuff
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:30, archived)
# If they hit Parkway in Camden
they'd take out a load of Estate Agents. That'd get my vote.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:25, archived)
# but I like Parkway Pizzeria
order an Alba. Lovely.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:27, archived)
# Alba
means 'Dawn' in Italian. So this means you are eating the leftovers from the last night-
I might be lying.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:29, archived)
# Hoxton
fly a plane into Hoxton. And Clerkenwell, only wait until I'm working from home first.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:29, archived)
# Fly one into Harlow
who would notice?
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 10:49, archived)
# Poplar
fucking shithole that is.
what the luftwaffe didn't destroy, the local council did
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:36, archived)
# The Louvre
After all, nobody fears the french...
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:08, archived)
# Big Ben
is the name of the bell.

The tower (which is what I think you are referring to) is called St Stephen's Tower

(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 23:09, archived)
# hey
what is a massive political power sat there and fucked over any country smaller than itself??

(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# Well...
less that 100 years ago, Great Britain?

Or, here's one. Churchill KNEW about the impending attack on the Luisitania... yet did NOTHING because he wanted Roosevelt to join the war.

I tell you, you fucking Brits are pretty damned smug for people who have NOTHING on us when it comes to oppression, strife, secrecy and an all around bad track record with the rest of the world.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:29, archived)
# Actually
we just had longer to do it than you've had yet.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:31, archived)
# Indeed...
Give us a few hundred years.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:41, archived)
# It wasn't just GB
From about 1800 and below every major European country were bastards. Killings, genocides, crusades, wars, plots and oppression all round. Was all the rage.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:02, archived)
# so America is charged with
acting just like every other European country did when they were less than 300 years old? Wow, no wonder the hypocrites are coming out of the woodwork.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:10, archived)
# Experience?
Yeh, but they have our experience to work from.

lets hope John Titor was right
(, Sat 11 Oct 2003, 10:51, archived)
# We do a good line
in self-depricating humour though.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:32, archived)
# We learned from history
America is like a teenage thug flexing it's muscles. Hasn't got a fucking clue. And any american who takes the moral highground with oppression is a cunt of the highest order.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:32, archived)
# Oh really?
Lets talk cunts shall we?

Oh Mr. Arab... and since you don't LIVE HERE I'll enlighten you... LOADS.

Most Arabs I know here are smug, capitalistic, greedy FUCKS who would KILL you for $100. But they're still American, so, on Sept. 11th, they felt the same any American would. And they still do. You forget, that the AMERICAN Army isn't just White, Christian MEN... It's men AND women from ALL walks of life. Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, hell, even Satan WOrship is at least tolerated here in America.

And if you are so Gung-Ho about being an Arab, about "Iraqi" pride and what-not.. why are you living in Britain? Is it because life is EASIER for you there? Maybe you should go back to femenine-oppression, worshipping and living by an out-dated code. THEN complain.

People who live in glass houses...
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:40, archived)
You seem to have lost your focus somewhat.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:46, archived)
# I think so...
my final point is actually all I should have written.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:47, archived)
# we know were
in a glass house.. at least we have the sense to open the windows when we are throwing bricks
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:49, archived)
# ...shouldnt throw bricks?

(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:47, archived)
# He isn't an arab
and you sir are a racist.

that a MASSIVE generalisation.

I'll enlighten YOU:
Most corporations would kill you for $50 extra profit. Make you feel better?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:48, archived)
# Is it?
How do you know? Are you here?

Most British people I know have bad teeth.

Most Irish people I know like to drink.

Most Asian people I know are really, really bad drivers.

Most Caucasian people I know can't dance.

Most fat chicks I know are UGLY.

Most tall people I know are wimps because they have never had to stick up for themselves.

Most Italian people I know eat ALOT of pasta.

And he stated so himself in a post not too far up the board there.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:56, archived)
# so you've just proved yourself
to be bigoted and racist.

I applaud you.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:00, archived)
# I think we could at xenophobic to that as well
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:03, archived)
# I think we could add xenophobic to that as well
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:03, archived)
# In his defen(s/c)e
Most British people have (relative to Americans) bad teeth.
The Irish like a drink. It's true.
Italians eat pasta, and probably quite often.

I Can't speak for the driving. I think most people on the road are really bad drivers. But most Americans drive in very simple environments, and I always find it funny seeing them trying to drive when the roads aren't 80 foot wide and straight for 200miles, and when the car isn't choosing the gears, and the engine isn't purposely limited to only giving 0-60 in about a week.

Sorry. Didn't mean to get involved in this one.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 22:58, archived)
# Which means that if an American calls someone a bad driver, they must really suck...
If Americans are bad drivers, and consider asians bad drivers, it gives an indication of how bad asian drivers must be.
I know this is a massive generalization, I know several asians who drive as well as anyone else. Unfortunately, most people I flip off in traffic seem to be asian due to their tendancies to drive half the posted speeds, take up multiple lanes, never use a signal or check blind spots before making turns or lane changes, and so on...

Also, lets not forget that the Americans invented the car. I think that, in regards to national driving customs, that should afford us some level of authority.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:36, archived)
# eerrmmmmm....
I think your wrong there.....
"In 1889 Daimler and Maybach placed their engine into a horse carriage and drove the car at speeds of 12 miles per hour. They had therefore produced the first four-wheeled automobile. After the men had designed a gearbox and a belt-driven mechanism to steer the wheels, they decided to sell the cars." - not a yank in sight.....sorry!
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:09, archived)
# Ever heard of Henry Ford??
That name ring a bell at all? The guy that invented the assembly line? The transmission?
He was the one to invent the automobile AS WE KNOW IT... better? BTW, he released the FIRST automobile (without horses) in 1896.

If it helps, here's a simple biography.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# Wanker
You're thinking no doubt of Ford? That may have been the first example of mass production in automotive production but you are very, very wrong. Buy an encyclopedia. A children's one with pretty colour pictures should do nicely.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:26, archived)
# Should I provide some more links?
Or would you prefer that I draw you a pretty picture with crayons?
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:30, archived)
# From your own fucking link you tagnut:
The first car manufacturers in the world were French: Panhard & Levassor (1889) and Peugeot (1891). By car manufacturer we mean builders of entire motor vehicles for sale and not just engine inventors who experimented with car design to test their engines - Daimler and Benz began as the latter before becoming full car manufacturers and made their early money by licensing their patents and selling their engines to car manufacturers.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:37, archived)
# What did you not understand about
clarification I made above? "As we know it today"... do you get that? He was the first person to make vehicles available to the common man. If it weren't for Ford, the automobile would be as widespread as jet aircraft. Plenty of them around for businesses and the extremely rich, but you can't afford one.

Can I make it any clearer? Possibly use smaller words?
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:52, archived)
# Very childish
Having realised that the argument is lost, it is in particularly poor sport to redefine your initial statement. It is also a bemusing strategy on a blog where the whole argument is laid bare. I refer you to my initial post.

EDIT - Shit - I didn't think you'd be as low as to go back and edit your initial argument. Pussy.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 18:00, archived)
# Nearly as childish as
double posting, straying from the point I was trying to make in my initial post, and looking so closely for things to misinterpret that you miss the fact that I ammended my statement before you posted initially.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 18:05, archived)
# Not to mention childish name calling
And I didn't edit my initial post, I ammended it with an second post.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 18:12, archived)
# I apologise
You am the best
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 18:12, archived)
# The reason asian drivers seem bad over here
Having spent a bunch of time in Taiwan recently I can explain why immigrant asian drivers seem bad over here. First off you have to understand in Taiwan at least (maybe not so much Japan but definately mainland China as well) there are a zillion scooters whizzing around at all times and nobody pays much attention to the lines on the road or the "rules" really at all because if you did you would never get anywhere. They drive slow so that they can react quickly if something jumps out of a side street. Now over here (Europe, North America) mostly follow the rules of the road so we can drive a lot faster. It's more of a cultural thing - not just that they can't see over the dash (although I love that effect when it looks like the car is driving itself)

If you took a good driver here and dropped them in a car in Taipei they would probably be considered a bad driver and get in quite a few accidents until they adapted as well
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:40, archived)
# I can understand that.
When I was in the military, I had to drive a military Hummer through residential japanese streets...
They probably thought I was a maniac, since the vehicle was as wider than the lane, the steering wheel was on the left side, and I drove at standard American speeds.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:49, archived)
# None of us are saying that any of that was good
or that it never happened.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:32, archived)
# oh yeah
I'm not saying we wern't bad IN THE PAST.

But seem to have taken over the mantle - doesn't mean it isn't still wrong.

And Henry Ford sold trucks to hitler - yeah bad innit.. just as guilty.

Some of us however would like to stop the circle of violence and destruction. Not escalate it to support our ailling weapons sales, ensure that the 25% people who use 65% of the world resources can continue raping the planet. Don't accuse me personally of being bad - I said YOUR GOVERNMENT.
They are wrong not necessarily you, but what has been done by many people is wrong. That is a FACT.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:36, archived)
# There is something you fail to realize in all of this though.
Americans are British, Irish, Scottish, French, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Spanish, Iraqi, Portughese, Icelandic, Norweigan, German, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Iranian, etc...

America is the world.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:46, archived)
# Americans are American
except for recent immigrants who make up less than 2% of the population (CIA Factbook)

Just cos your great-grandfather was Polish/Irish/Spanish/Mexican doesn't make you Polish/Irish/Spanish/Mexican...
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:51, archived)
# Of course that only counts legal immigrants
Not the thousands of Mexicans that hop the border every month, or people immigrating with "student visas" then vanishing into the background when their visa is getting ready to expire, or boatloads of cubans and chinese...
Of course, the vast majority of American residents were born in the US, but raised by first of second generation immigrants with traditions dating back to ancestral countries. We don't squash those as effectively or frequently as Europeans do...
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 17:33, archived)
# or likes to think it is
in reality you have worse ghettos now than 30 years ago.
Integration? Oh fuck off.

Britain isn't just white anglosaxons you know.
If the USA is the world - We are well and truly FUCKED.

Thrown out of the Human rights commission of the UN for more Human Rights abuses than ANY OTHER COUNTRY.

Refused to let UN inspectors in to check the votes when Bush came to power, yet used their power in the UN to force that on many other countries.

Any more?? What about your poution abuses, backed out of a treaty that every other country in the world had signed.
Grr. Don't try that tack either.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:55, archived)
# With this...
I have not disagreed.

But your desensitization on something Americans feel a strong connection to is immoral and down-right rude.

Bush is a tweunt... plain and simple. And all that fucking war has to do with is the fact that Saddam tried to kill his father.

It's retarted. Don't call ALL of us baby killers, because we're not.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:10, archived)
# Except that if you're a 'British American' and you have both passports, it is *illegal* to travel to the US on the other one.
You *must* travel on your US passport.
This is like saying, I don't mind what you call yourself in private, in public you must wave the flag and do the dance. Hardly tolerent is it.
You see, all the Americans I know say that this is fine, after all if you are a dual-national then of course you'd want to reject the non-American bit.
Funnily enough, everyone else thinks it's jingoistic nonsense.

P.S. My G.F. is dual national (IRE/US) which is why I know this.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:55, archived)
# Then why is it so difficult
to travel to Britain and get a job?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:57, archived)
# What?
You appear to have missed the point of that post entirely ...
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:00, archived)
# What are you
basing that on?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:03, archived)
# America is not "the world".
Being an American, I assure you that this is a huge stretch... Americans might have ancestral ties to the rest of the world, but that means nothing in the big picture. I'd even hesitate to call the UN 'the world'. Granted, Hollywood has helped infiltrate American culture and ideals into the rest of the world, but we can't claim to be representative.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 18:29, archived)
# Or here's one
Roosevelt knew about the impending attack on Pearl Harbour and had their modern aircraft carriers moved to a different location and replaced them with out of date battleships.

He willingly let Americans die so that the rest of the American population would agree with his decision to go to war, so he wouldn't have to make an unpopular decision.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 15:19, archived)
# And here's another
Bush knew about the intended terrorist activities and about using aeroplanes to carry out these actions. So why did he do nothing about it?
Was it perhaps to draw the US into a war against terrorism?
(, Mon 13 Oct 2003, 14:55, archived)
# Anyway, we've been living with IRA terrorists for years.
Funded by Americans to a large extent.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:24, archived)
# Irish Americans...
to be exact. Maybe you should leave their country then... mmm?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:27, archived)
# I'm not in their country.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# we would love to
But I think it's got to a point that the Irish, aren't desperate to have the likes of Ian Paisley in their country either

(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:30, archived)
# I don't think that's true really.
Most Irish Catholics and Protestants would be happy with any democratic rule. It's only the *tiny* minority who see either (a) the British as an occupying army in N.I. or (b) the people in N.I. as part of Britain (in the same way the Scotts are).

To blindly talk about Ireland (as a whole) being 'their' country is to completely fail to understand any of the historical issues around it. Southern Ireland (Eire) is Irish. Everybody accepts that and not even the most staunch of Loyalists would think of trying to take over the entire area.

N.I. on the other hand has been under British control for many years and a large number of the people there consider themselves British. British by birth. They consider that their parents and grandparents were British. A small minority of these people take violent issue with claims that N.I. belongs to the Irish (in the same way the a small number of the N.I. Catholics take issue with the notion that it belongs to Britain).

It's a really fucked up situation, but one thing it ain't is clear or obvious.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:08, archived)
# Well maybe
you should leave the red indians' country.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:31, archived)
# And go where? Back to England?! Not bloody likely....
As much as Europeans would like to absorb the culture that has become a world power in less than 300 years, I don't think America will be going anywhere... Thanks for the offer.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:43, archived)
# Talk to the Native Americans
they may not agree with you...
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:31, archived)
# Like your president Kennedy
and it is called Noraid you twat
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:36, archived)
# what is noraid?

Ohhh... duy!

NOW I get it...

nah, I don't have a twat, but I got some last night. unlike you.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:51, archived)
# I missed being blown up by an IRA bomb
by about 10 minutes, once.
Though once is quite enough for me
/dull fact
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# Sean Hughes
during a particularly fine live set, went on about how americans were always coming up to him and slipping him 20 dollars and saying it was for the "boys back home"...only when Sean talked about it he made it funny. As opposed to boring, like what this is.

Can I go home now please?
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:28, archived)
# If a terrorist crashed into big ben
then he's have to be a really good pilot because the tower where big ben is situated is small - as is big ben, only being a bell.

Moreover, if this did happen, we'd all blame the Americans for it as it would be your fault, as it's your foreign policy that got us all into this position in the first place. It's your troops who are killing innocent civilians by the thousand. It is your government that is sponsoring Israeli terrorism.
Have I made my point? Now I'm going to be fluffy
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:27, archived)
# That's not true though...
It is JEWISH foreign policy that got us all into this...

And America and Great Britain support Isreal. Probably going back to the horror or whatever of the holocaust. Guilt and all.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:50, archived)
# britain for one doesn't
pay 30 BILLION a year to Isreal like USA does..

Oh and is that guilt as you felt the nazi menace "Wasn't your problem"? Stop trying to defend stupid actions by slaggin of other people. Learn from the past ffs.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 18:02, archived)
# It's got nothing to do with the holocaust
it's because the Allied countries need to maintain a presence in the middle east to protect their own investments in the oil industry. We can't have trade agreements with a country only to see it's government destroyed by one of the random ongoing wars muslim countries perpetuate.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 20:21, archived)
# the Irish did
The Irish tried it in 1977 but they used a Hot air balloon
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 15:54, archived)
# 3 of my nans cousins* were killed in one day during the war
all by germans. wankers.

hilter jokes make me laugh cos dead, and because we kicked their fucking nazi asses all over europe.

*i'm not sure what their relation to me would have been
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:44, archived)
# If it wasn't for WWII...
...my grandfather would never have come over here and married my grandmother, therefore my father would never have been born and neither would I.

For that reason alone, I think Hitler is great.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:20, archived)
# Hahaha
That's why the war was started you know, to make you
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:21, archived)
# Yay...
...and all those innocent lives lost!

What more could you ask for?

(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:22, archived)
# stands to reason
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:22, archived)
# I for one think your quality pics and animations
are well worth the sacrifice of 50,000,000 lives.
(, Mon 6 Oct 2003, 17:22, archived)