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# Re: http://www.xanga.com/item.aspx?user=ghostdude&tab=weblogs&uid=107285620
Alright. Other B3tans are gonna hate me for this, but I have to agree with a lot of stuff this guy is saying. Rob isn't THAT funny. He's a bit screwed in the head. Why does he do stuff like 'crack my knuckles'? It's just random, not funny, not fun. His flash skills aren't amazing, and he isn't that funny either. I like some of the stuff he does (Hey, Hey, 16k, Conzentration, Cursor Love Bunny, Patrick Moore plays the Xylophone etc etc) but considering he does ALOT of stuff, that isn't that much. Yes, he is a genius for spawning b3ta.com but it isn't his stuff that makes it a great site. In general: he is good, but I think the review is an honest one, and one that is in most parts correct. Let the 'me bashing' begin...

Now, this is my personal opinion. I think Rob is a great guy, b3ta.com is a great place and bits of b3ta.co.uk are great. Other bits... are best left alone.

Now, go ahead and flame me, feel free to. But it's just my opinion. I'd rather hear a good counter arguement than people just saying 'COCK OFF!'.

Oh, and A) this isn't a thread waste and B) No, this is better than thread jacking
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:44, archived)
# Blimey.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:45, archived)
# Indeed.

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:46, archived)
# *takes a breath*
*holds up shield*

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:46, archived)
# Arf..
That isnt gonna help. What you need is summin fluffy

Hands ya a fluffy kitten...

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:49, archived)
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:55, archived)
# An opinion is an opinion
but I really wish people from this site hadn't left a lot of stupid comments over there.

It doesn't do b3ta (or Rob) any favours.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:46, archived)
# indeed
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:47, archived)
# inter-community wars are never fun.
yeah? well YOUR MOM IS FAT

Oh yeah? well YOUR MOM IS ALSO FAT

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# your mom is only fat
because every time I fucked her I gave her a biscuit
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:50, archived)
# Now *that* is funny.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:52, archived)
# I borrowed it
off a fellow b3tan who always makes me chortle like a loon.

I have no originality of my own, you understand
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:55, archived)
# I've heard that phrase before
the story I heard it ininvolved a guided tour of the neighbours set and someone asking Harold why he was so fat.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:01, archived)
# I rather fear he brought it on himself
by posting said link to the board in the first place
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# I agree
and personally I found the review quite funny, so I'm glad he did it.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# Internet denizens in stupid knee jerk reaction shocker
I can see the headlines now!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:49, archived)
# Agreed
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:08, archived)
# ummm

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:46, archived)
# hehe
he's funny
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# thought it might make you smile
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:49, archived)
aww, no 1024x768
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:50, archived)
# thanks!

i can make a 1024x768 if u want
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:52, archived)
# do it
do it now!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:55, archived)
# 1024 x 768 heaven!!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:57, archived)
# cheers
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:00, archived)
# welcome
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:07, archived)
# I don't think all fo Rob's stuff is amazing
but I do find some of it hilarious.
But the thing is the guys review is so stupid. For example:
"I didn't like the first female or shemale, so i can't see why he'd bother making more", when the simple fact is he made more because it was amazingly popular.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:47, archived)
# well, the guy who wrote the review didn't know that did he?
although i do see your point, i just think you should see his point of view.

When I first saw his quizzes, I made a choice not to do them. Why? Quite frankly, they're a bit disturbing.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# I do see his point of view
and he's free to have his opinions, but just didn't like his entire attitude, not so much for not liking b3ta, but the way he went about describing it.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:50, archived)
# The guy who wrote the review
would have known it had he been paying attention:

"People kept emailing me asking for another shemale quiz. So they got one. No more."
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:55, archived)
# fair play
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:56, archived)
# May I be the first to say

Pah! I don't come here for serious discussion about the merits and failings of artists...
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:47, archived)
# i did
but then i realised i'm insain!!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# in the membrain?
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:58, archived)
# woo
yep thats it!!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:00, archived)
# 'Pah! I don't come here for serious discussion about the merits and failings of artists...'
That's possibly the best thing I've read on here.

Nice one sweetcakes.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:49, archived)
# Fascinating
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:47, archived)
# Its a website
dont look at the stuff u dislike, look at the stuff you like!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# it was a review!
this guy's reviewing it, so he writes down teh good AND bad stuff about it.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:49, archived)
# Why are you telling us this stuff?
I think we're all capable of making up our own minds what we like and what we don't
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:55, archived)
# because i have an opinion that i feel is reasonably anti-establishment
maybe slightly outrageous, and i want people to hear it.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:57, archived)
# What?
That you don't like some internet quizzes that some bloke on the internet made?

Rock'n roll!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:00, archived)
# no, it's just the comments at the bottom of the page suggested that b3tans reallly really disliked the review
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:02, archived)
# Yes?
(, Sat 31 Jul 2004, 12:27, archived)
# I think you're missing the point.
Go to archive.org and check out the philosophy on which b3ta was founded. Educate to illuminate brother.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:49, archived)
# *links arms with DotF *
*minces off*
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:50, archived)
# yes its pull up a kitten
knob and fart jokes are funny

** parp!!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:50, archived)
# *laughs*

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:59, archived)
# bloody hell
what have you eaten!! that stinks!


(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:00, archived)
# *sweeps hair back to front of face*

*opens windows*

*breathes deeply*

*goes to find some beans*
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:03, archived)
# hehehehehe
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:07, archived)
# *gets out sheet music*

*shuffles away*
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:09, archived)
# hmm
I think that's not really the point.
What my interpretation of the stuff is that it's deliberately low-fi and off-the-wall, especially if you contrast with the ConZENtration game, which is very slick "corporate" Flash work. I think that "GhostDude" thought that b3ta.co.uk was an attempt at a US-style "humor site", which it's not. Why does everything have to be obviously funny anyway?(*looks at "Friends" and shudders*)
right, I'll shut up now,
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# well, i'm just saying the review was fine, and the opinions posted in the comments weren't.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:53, archived)
# who shat in your hummus?
next time you have an opinion-keep it to yourself.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:48, archived)
# why couldn't us b3tans do that?
Read the comments at the bottom of the page. In my opinion, that's just immature.

Just because he made this sitedoesn't mean you have to suck up to him.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:51, archived)
# but...
...he own your daddy's ass...
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:53, archived)
# awwww lets not be unfluffy
i was only kidding about the opinion thing I really think all this is such a waste. really who cares??
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:54, archived)
# yeah, we don't need OPINIONS
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:52, archived)
# that's what
YOU think...
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:53, archived)
# I like sausages.
Just thought I'd point that out. Go ahead and flame me, feel free to. But its just my opinion.

Damn! Thought I was on sausageworld.com!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:50, archived)
# burger rule
down with the evil sausages! bah bah bah

i had some great sausages for lunch - yum
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:51, archived)
# You damn sausage hater, you!
Why can't we all just get along?
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:52, archived)
# ahahahahaha
they day i sit down with a sausages eater is the day i eat a sausage!

like today for example
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:54, archived)
how would you feel if you spent 500 days growing on a sausage tree only to be slaugtered and eaten
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:54, archived)
# hear hear!
stop this evil sport!! now!!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:01, archived)
# This is pure genius
By dissing rob, he pretty much guarantees a reply from any mods around. Once he knows mods are around, he can post pictures with a much higher chance of FPs.

Wish I'd thought of it.

Hey rob, your a cnut!!! Gimme an FP.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:52, archived)
# Unfortunately, I'm not that clever.
And I'm not dissing Rob, just dissing the dissing of the review of rob. Quote from what I just said: 'Rob is a great person'
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:54, archived)
# Yes, yes.
But that completely ruins my fun.

You're mean :'(

Only kidding, you're wubbly.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:56, archived)
# I would suggest
that the best way to get front pages would be to post a lot of funny pictures.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:56, archived)
# front page selection
is extremely random and not based on a formed criteria, just the whim of a mod, or in particular if someones new they might get one so they send money

am I right or am I right ?

heh heh
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:02, archived)
# I would guess that the esteemed
mystery bob is modding as there has been an FP in the last 1/4 hour or so, and you have to appeal to his sense of humour, so robots all round.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:17, archived)
# you are entitled
to your opinion
I prefer your honest opinion than a hoard of people defending someone just because it's that persons site .
I've always hated that, it does give the host a false sense of importance

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:54, archived)
# thanks
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:58, archived)
# All I know (violins being playing)
is that I've been a member of dozens of forums, I've only been a member of b3ta for just under a month and I've found it one of the nicest places to be.. Who CARES if Rob is that funny or not? I like his stuff (my opinion) but the site as a whole has one of the best attitudes of any forum I've ever been on..
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:55, archived)
# quite
except the unfluffy people, but you can just ignore them
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:57, archived)
# Or alternatively
can just bombard them with excess fluff
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:58, archived)
# i don't but i was annoyed by the comments by b3ta members at the bottom of the review
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:58, archived)
# Forum wars are just
as sad as spectrum vs commodore 64 wars - the way to win a battle like that? Don't rise to it.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:59, archived)
# Arguments on the internet are like the special olympics.
Even if you win, you're still a spacker.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:01, archived)
# I'm sorry
that just made me laugh about three swigs worth of carling out of my nose. Genius. Absolute genius.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:01, archived)
# they're being as bad as the trolls they despise so much
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 20:59, archived)

(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:00, archived)
# ahahahahahahahahaha

oh fuck
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:03, archived)
# Some of robs stuff is rather random
but some of it is pure genious.

there's not one anim of robs i hate, but there are some that aren't that great.

But all in all i love robs stuff.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:00, archived)
# fair play to you
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:04, archived)
# Yeah, but...
Look at his photo on that page!
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:01, archived)
# well...

Lazy-eye girl says it doesn't matter... he's still the Ginger OVERLORD.
(, Fri 30 Jul 2004, 21:02, archived)
# Well...
I thought the review was rather hilarious and entertaining.

I am disappointed in the 14 year olds slagging him off though. It's a just a review you sweaty little freaks, get over it.

Nevermind, they'll be back at school soon.

(, Sat 31 Jul 2004, 12:05, archived)
# I'm 14
/sort of ironic
(, Sat 31 Jul 2004, 12:15, archived)