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rob ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:35,
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freddy murcury cum statue of liberty
although not necessarily in that order
kidb Not any more ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:37,
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digestive ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 17:15,
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leoZ ,
Tue 3 Oct 2006, 21:04,
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I think that's just coincidence
and should be given no further thought whatsoever.
DaSchop gippie ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:37,
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wow they all even taste the same!
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:37,
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can i have some please?
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:39,
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0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:40,
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careful now
i meant tongue really
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:42,
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Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:42,
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TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:43,
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Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:46,
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Chorizowagon Came wandering back on ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:04,
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as you wish!
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:14,
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*donates liberally*
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:40,
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*joins queue*
Monsieur Monster I heard Seriously talk the first time. in here. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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*increases production*
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:42,
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I'm interested...
Would you accept £10,000 for 40% of your business? /Paphitis
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:43,
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:D ha ha ha!!
did you watch the "where are they now" episode last night? was cool
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:45,
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i don't miss TV
i don't miss TV i don't miss TV i don't miss TV i don't miss TV i don't miss TV *rocks back and forth*
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:47,
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*slips in behind*
*rocks back and forth*
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:51,
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*turns on 42" plasma TV*
ARRRGHHH Neighbours!!! *cuts throat*
Monsieur Monster I heard Seriously talk the first time. in here. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:51,
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should give you more time for b3ta
The Blue Aardvark Unavoidably detained by reality ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:03,
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I did indeed!
I couldn't help feel a bit sick for that stupid pants woman. And who the hell let that wierd wizard man near their children with his 'games'?!
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:47,
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silly woman :D
i liked the guy with the boat tinternets having the press turn up for publicity shots without letting Richard know was funny :)
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:52,
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what happened to tha pants woman?
I saw her selling pants about a month ago. her stall had "AS SEEN ON TV" all over it.
swaza I'm bad, I'm bad. You know it. I'm bad. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:00,
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She rer-mortgaged her house
to pay for the 10,000 pairs of pants she'd ordered. She still has most of them.
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:18,
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I loved the funny little inventor guy
with that baby rocking thing. He was walking round in his pants at the end...
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:00,
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he always looks really grumpy
and i loved the way he almost took his partners head off when displaying the product :)
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:03,
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Well I'll offer you £10,000 for 39.9%
/Richard Farleigh
Londingham . ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:48,
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I will offer you 2 camals...
and a goat
Monsieur Monster I heard Seriously talk the first time. in here. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:49,
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and a duck*
*may contain rabies
Monsieur Monster I heard Seriously talk the first time. in here. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:54,
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you want £150,000 for 15%!?!?!?
i'll offer you £25,000 for 65%
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:50,
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i feel sick now.
i hate yellow jackets.
god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:37,
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is my laugh out loud of the week.
collapsibletank procreates ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:37,
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just spooky. *shivers*
somegreybloke ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:37,
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that's well spottedfile size is a bit big for the board :¬)
swaza I'm bad, I'm bad. You know it. I'm bad. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:38,
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fucking n00bs!
it's like tuesday all over again.
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:43,
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I know
it's as if he thinks he runs the place or summat
swaza I'm bad, I'm bad. You know it. I'm bad. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:44,
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The middle one's
the least gay. P.S. Nice filename.
BigFreak thinks that words are fun ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:38,
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he wants it all
and he wants it now
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:39,
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BigFreak thinks that words are fun ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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What's the difference between Semen, Freddie Mercury, and the Statue of Liberty?
..... ... No, I don't have a punchline.
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:38,
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Semen is
DogHorse plop ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:39,
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Monsieur Monster I heard Seriously talk the first time. in here. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:40,
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Hmm, that IS factual...
I just got distracted by trying to link the first two with the Ghostbusters 2 sprayage of the Statue of Liberty with sticky gunk...
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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all don't not have no hats
The Neville What what what ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:40,
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nor are they filled with stars
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:40,
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I was full
of stars once, it was very uncomfortable and I got quite hot. Eventually most of them went supernova and I exploded a lot and made a bit of a mess but then a passing AA repairman saw my plight and repaired me Now I have a titanium alloy shell and can belch exhaust fumes.
The Neville What what what ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:45,
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On a fairly unrelated note,
I suggested my brothers ex-flatmate got a job with the AA, as "I hear he's good with breakdowns" He'd 'done a Stephen Fry' a few months before. It didn't go down too well.
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:50,
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You can't pay to enter semen
gaijintendo Regular Member ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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you killed my internets.
and you know it
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:39,
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I'm eating! Edit: looks more like
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:39,
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the statue of liberty is putting me off my sperm sandwich too!
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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Oh noes!
*fears for the loss of sperm sandwich business* *stops tugging off into loafs of bread*
Monsieur Monster I heard Seriously talk the first time. in here. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:46,
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is the future.
wibblywobbly - helping ugly people get laid since 1982 ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:39,
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is this a new 'spot the difference' quiz for the newsletter?
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:40,
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it is for the newsletter
we had a couple of emails saying, "it looks like Freddie" and another mentioning the Statue of Liberty. I thought I'd post it here so I had something to link to. Exciting stuff!
rob ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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I don't know why I'm mentioning this,
but upside down, it looks like a pregnant woman with no arms in a ball gown... /The man seed, obviously //goes away to contemplate life
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:44,
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that's the mosy scary thing i've ever heard you say/seen you post
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:46,
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the very fact I turned my head over to see it scares me the most :-/
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:46,
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but yes, I agree.
BigFreak thinks that words are fun ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:48,
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bloody well does too :¬/ Spell wotted.
wibblywobbly - helping ugly people get laid since 1982 ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:48,
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the amazing life of website management....
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:47,
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coming from the man who presses the green button on photocopiers for a living ;-)
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:50,
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very nice
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:40,
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that's foul
...and i think you need to make it biggerer
RiffRaff lurking like a lurky thing ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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DogHorse plop ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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first image killed second image
erm... don't know where I'm going with this *gives up*
swaza I'm bad, I'm bad. You know it. I'm bad. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:41,
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wibblywobbly - helping ugly people get laid since 1982 ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:43,
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I reckon the user generated semen is probably from you,
produced to create the third item in this trinity. The chances of it being similar to the other two items otherwise are millions to one (he said). (why were you looking up semen anyway - do you not know what it is/how to make it!?)
jmaxi returned again on ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:43,
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I like it.
And I like the way and position Freddy is holding his microphone. That, next to a clot of semen, is a good thing to have in one image.
c_kick or, as some people call him ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 14:51,
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P3te "the Meat" ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 15:01,
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A meagre, lacklustre shot-off on what looks like wallpaper found behind a pub radiator.
davemission Drinking too much for a change again as usual. ,
Fri 29 Sep 2006, 21:09,
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i'm drunker than everyone in this thread so ner.
Paster of Muppets is an incredible screen name ,
Sat 30 Sep 2006, 3:44,
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