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» Nov 2008 «

I'm going to be a fairly nondescript 37 the day before and In Vino Veritas is also celebrating that week so let us JOINTLY ROCK!
Salient points include- the theme is Rock! (or Rawk if you are A Merry Can)in its many guises, so anything from Led Zep to Posion to Metallica and I'm sure I can crowbar some Rush in there somewhere without causing too much offence.... and despite what Kerrang drivetime says, no...Oasis and Coldplay aren't 'rock'.
The concept as it stands...

A private function room, an MP3 jukebox that anyone can select some faves on and a sound system to deliver it, hopefully late license and a few games and amusementments and crucially, some nosh as well so no-one gets pissed up and f*cked up too early into the evening :-)
the venue location
Google Maps
Transport for the needy- OK, well I'm not going to bamboozle you with timetables and bus services- let us say the marshalling point is Coventry Train Station and a meeting time is, AMENDED! 5:30pm. From there ****AT 6PM so DON'T BE LATE *** you will be transported in a minibus taxi to the venue (provided there's no more than 16 of you, there shouldn't be as I'm driving Capt. Placid and Pooflake- any last minute dramas will be dealt with as they occur). There are, out of the goodness of my heart,
I shall GAZ round my mobile later this week to all the signed-up.
STOP PRESS In case I can't gain access to a friends' MP3 library it would be prudent for you to bring along a bash mix CD (no real ones as we can't guarantee their safety) so just bringalonga CD-R of your favourite rock-based tunes. But NO DANCE MUSIC! God help you if I find any dance music. For every Dance music track I find...I shall kill you :-) (Stewie)
Green Lane ex-Services club
In Vino Veritas and Rotating Wobbly Hat are getting Older in the same week
Going: Rotating Wobbly Hat, Doctor When, mr horrible, Mstandot, jim_bob, in vino veritas, TopUpTheTea, Bingowings, amoebaboy, Captain Placid, ivesb, Sea Tramp, Professor Kenny Martin, Mrs Trellis, Jessie, FoldsFive, Pooflake, Fluffy elephants, WormuIus, davew27 (20 people).

I shall bring drugs (ibuprofen, for the morning), and sex (1983 Freeman's Catalogue, lingerie section).
( , Fri 1 Feb 2008, 14:11, Reply)

and Roll (a ciabatta).
Yeah! Dude, we are going to get so wasted (like the 6 months of my life I spent working in a theme park.....)
( , Fri 1 Feb 2008, 20:05, Reply)

*(withdraws further explanation on advice from handy internet breathaliser)
( , Sun 21 Sep 2008, 17:58, Reply)

(West Brom fan if anything, on account of they're the only team I've ever been to see at an actual match 20 years ago...)
( , Fri 6 Jun 2008, 9:17, Reply)

( , Sun 19 Oct 2008, 0:21, Reply)

a Foxes shirt buried somewhere in the Ricoh, 100% of fact...
( , Fri 17 Oct 2008, 20:45, Reply)

so if you don't mind I'll be a 'maybe' :)
( , Sun 27 Jul 2008, 7:57, Reply)

I demand that you supply drugs though.
I demand that in a Vroomfondel way though, so I demand that you may or may not bring drugs.
A clear demarcation between people who bring drugs and people who don't bring drugs is exactly what I do not demand.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 1:08, Reply)

you know you'll get home safely without molestation (well, from the lads anyway)
( , Thu 28 Aug 2008, 23:29, Reply)

for sweet Verity has to come down from Preston...
( , Fri 29 Aug 2008, 17:21, Reply)

Would you be requiring the services of a band, perhaps?
( , Sat 13 Sep 2008, 18:41, Reply)

just to play for li'l ol' us but I'm seeing if a couple of my mates want to throw something together ourselves... :-)
( , Sat 13 Sep 2008, 18:56, Reply)

...but I'm pretty sure they'd do it - we're playing at Dr When's bash next Feb and that's further away!
( , Sat 13 Sep 2008, 19:08, Reply)

and looks to be good :)
edit: sadly a big old no-no from me now - broken ankle = no driving for a good few weeks :(
sorry! Have a good birthday and fun time you crazy kids
( , Wed 17 Sep 2008, 14:54, Reply)

as long as auntie verity promises not to throw wine on my wife again!
( , Thu 18 Sep 2008, 11:29, Reply)

glad your Mrs fonud a new job to slave and toil at ... does this mean you might be making Derby as well?
( , Thu 18 Sep 2008, 11:55, Reply)

( , Thu 18 Sep 2008, 12:06, Reply)

work timing totally f0rks it.
...bloody, bloody, BLOODY! ]
( , Mon 20 Oct 2008, 22:44, Reply)

Stooges, MC5, Little Richard, Sizzla, MBV?
And a total Rush ban?
And maybe a bit of The Cult?
( , Sun 21 Sep 2008, 17:54, Reply)

but it will be well hidden amongst the other stuff.
MY birthday (huffs)
but Cult is deffo OK.
EDIT I'll tell you in advance so you can go out for a cig break....
( , Sun 21 Sep 2008, 20:39, Reply)

might help to mitigate the Rush thing.
Or the orchestral arrangement of Lou Reed's 'Metal Machine Music' they've been playing bits of on Radio 3's Late Junction recently.
Then again, what am I thinking? It's your party.
I went to a curry house on Christmas Eve once, and they had the cassingle of 'Band Aid 90' on auto repeat the whole time I was there.
And I survived that. So I'm sure a slightly worse experience won't do me all that much harm.
( , Thu 25 Sep 2008, 22:12, Reply)

the metamachine can whap the screaming bejeezus out of you during the Rush tracks, what with its spinning claw-paddles of retributional spite and you shall remember nothing of the soft melodic avant garde prog rocki that wafted past your ear-holes as you twist and writhe in agony of the righteous moral spanking machines...
Oh, come on. It's not that bad. Learn a liitle bit of tolerance, why don't you, and it'll quickly be back to the cultural massif....
( , Fri 26 Sep 2008, 2:02, Reply)

Yes, you're right, RHW, of course. I bloody well should remember a bit of tolerance.
And I should also remember that these bashes are about the always-delightful people who are there, not about sitting there moaning about what's on the stereo. I do quite enough of that at work!
And I should now also cease imagining that being sexually tortured by the insane machine you postulate would actually be preferable to feeling the voice of Geddy Lee drilling malevolently into my tolerance gland as it spears through the air like a PCP-crazed hornet wot likes hurting people.
All this churlishness will pass, btw, and I'll be nice as pie come Derby. I might even remember I owe you a tenner!
( , Fri 26 Sep 2008, 23:29, Reply)

I'd much rather you used the tenner to buy Topagraphic Oceans with. then you'll have earned the right to say 'Prog Rock damaged by soul'. And this is from somoene who bought 19 other Yes albums.
BURN it. Burn it with FIRE!
( , Sat 27 Sep 2008, 0:10, Reply)

There's only one answer to Yes, and I'm afraid it's negative.
I could be persuaded to try to listen to King Crimson's In The Court Of The Crimson King, though, if that allows me to evade Jon Anderson's nauseating obvious cuntiness (not that this exhonerates Wakeman, Bruford, Howe etc, who'll also get theirs when the time comes).
The odd thing is, my visceral loathing of prog rock doesn't seem to tally with my happy-baby-like delight in even the very nastiest free jazz.
And, (to go off on a tangent) thinking back, I'm starting to feel a bit bad about browbeating Prof KM about How I Reckon Guns 'n' Roses Are Shit. Why bother? Was I trying to stop him liking GnR? (What for?) If so, did I think saying so would make it so? Have I ever even bothered to listen to Appetite For Destruction in its entirety, so I could pass informed judgment? Did anyone actually ask me to judge GnR? Am I qualified to do so?
The sagacious Prof leaned back and weathered it, knowing that bluster always blows itself out, and that I'd realise I was a twat at a later date.
Which reminds me: I really must get back to delighting him with pictures of dead pigs' heads at some stage.
PS: It's spelt 'Topographic'. Now kindly go and listen to Sun Ra, the perfect soundtrack to suddenly finding out one's pension scheme is in a spot of bother.
( , Sun 28 Sep 2008, 0:22, Reply)

so Satan wouldn't tempt me to try it agaiun at some time in the future....
( , Sun 28 Sep 2008, 21:50, Reply)

( , Tue 23 Sep 2008, 22:16, Reply)

I can meet people at stations if that would be an assistance?
( , Wed 8 Oct 2008, 14:41, Reply)

Mwah x
( , Wed 8 Oct 2008, 20:27, Reply)

coventry is roughly in the middle of the country, right? if so i may be asking for crash space, sofa for preference but i can survive on the floor
( , Mon 6 Oct 2008, 1:41, Reply)

I should be able to make this. Hurrah for not having to travel far to bashes!
( , Wed 8 Oct 2008, 22:40, Reply)

Are you people trying to tell me something?
Well, If your message is:
'For Fuck's sake don't tell Pooflake because we don't want his mouldy arse turning up and ruining everything'
Then I'm afraid your plan has failed.
I'll fit right in - Everybody shouts 'ROCK!' at me when they see me passing by...
Well, at least I THINK that's what they're shouting
( , Tue 14 Oct 2008, 12:18, Reply)

how dare he!
/oh well.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 10:50, Reply)

If it wasn't so far north. I don't like to be on the wrong side of the M4.
But then, who would! Ba-dum, Tish!
( , Thu 30 Oct 2008, 14:51, Reply)

glad you finally got yer skates on eh? :-)
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 0:21, Reply)

Just not that song from taht Rom Com I can't recall the name of....
Welcome aboard chap :-)
( , Tue 4 Nov 2008, 7:37, Reply)

I would love to attend but unfortunately I'm already booked that weekend
*makes note to check the calender more often*
( , Fri 7 Nov 2008, 18:19, Reply)

EXCELLENT! news :-)
Bit of a Steve Howe fondness going on there?
( , Tue 11 Nov 2008, 18:18, Reply)

too much work to do. i have two essays in next week that i'm really behind on
sorry Gerry and Verry :(
have a lovely birffday
( , Wed 12 Nov 2008, 19:58, Reply)

What say we meet at the bar before leaving for the station?
Or even when you arrive!!
depending on drinks prices of course!!!
( , Fri 14 Nov 2008, 12:39, Reply)

now go and tidy that pig-sty of a room of yours!
( , Fri 14 Nov 2008, 14:54, Reply)

so read through it again and make sure you know what we are all doing :-)
Oh, and try not to bamboozle the 'Reals' that will also be coming to the bash from the Coventry Engineering Community :-)
( , Fri 14 Nov 2008, 16:15, Reply)
» Nov 2008 «