ObliviousI made this!
This is my daughter's final piece for her media btech coursework. Give her some views, post a comment, thumbs up. It'll make her happy, Thanks.
The "I made this" refers to my daughter of course.
Many thanks to the magic donkey and all at b3ta towers for putting this in the newsletter. She's over the Moon, really.
(Black MoonNot cracked, I'm all up to be., Tue 13 May 2014, 21:30,
Good stuff there x
(tommaturn around an bite you every time, Tue 13 May 2014, 21:33,
Thumbs up from me =D
(FadgebadgerSweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Tue 13 May 2014, 21:39,
Didn't watch all of it, but liked what I saw. Some good camera angles and pace.
Tell her to keep it up.
(Fray Brentos*mega-belms*, Tue 13 May 2014, 21:40,
Thanks everybody.
I'll show her these comments tomorrow and I'm sure she'll be thrilled and inspired to do more work like this. I love you all. Mwah mwah mmmmmwah.
(Black MoonNot cracked, I'm all up to be., Tue 13 May 2014, 23:56,
B3ta is blessed tonight..
Two great films in a row from talented B3tans ;)
(Oswald Mosley(((triggering))) right wing cunts on, Wed 14 May 2014, 0:11,
Black Moon likes this.
(Black MoonNot cracked, I'm all up to be., Wed 14 May 2014, 1:17,
That's rather well done
I put my thumbs up, now I need to wash my hands
(simbosanis too tired, Wed 14 May 2014, 2:01,
Great suspense
Good use of an unusual soundtrack to maintain suspense, great colour work - it's really hard to make a daffodil look sinister and excellent camera angles to maintain anonymity and mystery.
(Poshlost, Wed 14 May 2014, 11:30,
Those flowers
were evil.
Brilliant work
(harem-memberhiding in the corner, Fri 16 May 2014, 19:32,
Gosh, that's ace - way above any student films I've seen in ages.
(fred zeppelinII: Electric Boogaloo, Wed 14 May 2014, 12:36,
(sm.pl.crt.rsI don't fucking know, do I?, Wed 14 May 2014, 14:38,
Talented girl. Please pass on my congratulations.
Is that god-awful stone-cladding your house?
(da5id<YOUR SIG HERE>, Wed 14 May 2014, 14:22,
Yes, my house
Cladding was done in the 80s by previous owners.
(Black MoonNot cracked, I'm all up to be., Wed 14 May 2014, 18:07,
It has been a long time since I felt the need to comment on the B3ta boards, but this is extremely good.
(Jim Pooley, Fri 16 May 2014, 20:48,
Thanks so much Jim!
She's currently hyperventilating at being featured in the newsletter. I'll teach her about the magic donkey in due course.
(Black MoonNot cracked, I'm all up to be., Fri 16 May 2014, 21:15,
Really enjoyed that - tastefully done, full of suspense - love stories told without dialogue - hints of the monster also rather than a full-blown money-shot resonate more
(Shining Love Pig, Sat 17 May 2014, 8:47,
Nice one
Fantastic work.
(charlieroker, Sat 17 May 2014, 11:18,
Ha my btec media course had me running through the trees back in the day, ahhhhh video tape editing.....
*drifts off to memories of long nights, coffee/other and mounds of 180's* That was ace, like top stuff. The sound must have took ages to get right.
(Steerable_foreheadOur Lady of Blessed Acceleration,don't fail me now, Sat 17 May 2014, 23:16,
Knockout :)
(blyerkite k trilby, Sun 18 May 2014, 1:52,
Well good
And a great deal better than all of the media BTEC coursework our lot have shat out this year. I hope she gets a massive, juicy and well-deserved A.
(dancebiscuits, Wed 21 May 2014, 20:27,
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