Bloke thinks he is a hard man and makes a vid & puts it on the Internet for loads of people to lol at.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 18:24, Reply)

lolz when he pops out the water to bow something and then pops back in
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 18:39, Reply)

was that a tattoo of a pokemon on his shoulder? looked like a rattata
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 18:45, Reply)

What's with the lime green face paint?
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 18:46, Reply)

he's going 'Ooooh! Snake!'
Comedy gold, though part of me ashamedly thinks running around with guns and being macho is cool
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 18:50, Reply)

painful hilarity aside, he might be looking to be an actor.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 18:51, Reply)

I dunno, seems like there's some serious compensation going on there...
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 12:32, Reply)

He looks like he is trying to have a poo when he spots that snake!
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 19:00, Reply)

I love the bit where he has a rifle with a silencer on it, but it still makes a fucking racket when he fires it.
I think he sleeps with his knives.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 19:01, Reply)

( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 19:59, Reply)

I'm not a complete idiot, I'll have you know ;)
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 13:05, Reply)

is that you still need to use sub-sonic ammunition. This guy probably didn't.
( , Sat 28 Aug 2010, 14:38, Reply)

"Hello, I've got something very small I'm trying to compensate for by posting a video in a sanitized environment to assert that if there were real bad guys out there I wouldn't be the first to die because my cover and concealment are the lamest of the lame."
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 19:27, Reply)

That with the snake supports your hypothesis
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 20:15, Reply)

Just so he has something good enough to masturbate to.
"Porn is just so... Lacking. It is lacking me. If I was in it it would be much better. In fact, let's just cut you ladies out of the shot. And add guns. And some face paint. Yeah, that's it. Now watch me fucking squat like I'm shitting whilst wearing a snake" IMEANWATHEFUCK
( , Sat 28 Aug 2010, 14:25, Reply)

were the snake / shit incident and the bit where he fires the bazooka backwards.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 20:54, Reply)

-not been proved wrong so far.
Also, friendface: you can be his friend/look at him in his pants.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 21:07, Reply)

Ha ha- hit the nail on the head there!
Annyyway...off to Bristol Mental Needs to catch a late train...
Let me know if he accepts.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 21:15, Reply)

Some of his pics are mental!
I heart him...*swoon*
( , Fri 20 Aug 2010, 1:30, Reply)

I think he is cool, I'd put him on my perimeter he has loads of nads to upload the videos so little twats can raz him from a keyboard.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 22:05, Reply)

( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 22:34, Reply)

at least that's ONE fucking gun-nut off the streets for 12-15 hours.
1. Why didn't he camouflage the BACK or sides of his massive fucking butter-churn-shaped head? What, no invisible/pretend enemies are ever going to sneak-up on HIM???
2. The one thing missing from this video is the wall of mud/embankment where Rambo's eyes suddenly open as the soldier pursuing him is about to get it. This man needs his wall of mud! Tsk. So close.
3. I've seen more gay porn than I ever wanted to in my life, and I have NEVER seen anything as homoerotic and disturbing on 16 different levels as him squatting and staring at the (probably illegally-imported) snake crawling over his OTHER penis substitute. This guy makes Rush Limbaugh look hetero.
( , Sat 28 Aug 2010, 11:33, Reply)

is quite spectacular. I like it when he comes up out of the water.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 22:41, Reply)

I couldn't enjoy his gay twattyness because I recognise the music from a game but cant work out which one!!!!!!!
( , Fri 20 Aug 2010, 0:11, Reply)

You bleeding ungenerous lot, I reckon he'll be governor of California within 30 years.
Of course he'll have to get out of nick first: videos.apnicommunity.com/Video,Item,4197092158.html - "Just a fan video but the dude in the video got arrested few days ago, in Bosnia and after he uploaded the original video on youtube. Bosnian Police raided his house and found a large stash of weapons, ammo and explosives."
Always worth bearing in mind with folk from the former Yugoslavia - they've a lot of mad war vets running around - Laibach are a good example... stopped touring and studio work to go shoot people... couldn't imagine BLUR doing similar... quite disapointingly so
la la la la Action!
( , Fri 20 Aug 2010, 1:37, Reply)

Is that a weasel tattoo on his shoulder?
Utter Tool!
( , Fri 20 Aug 2010, 8:48, Reply)

The right to bear arm? I dunno, it's in there somewhere.
( , Fri 20 Aug 2010, 16:26, Reply)

I thought he was having a fight with the guy in the balaclava, but NO! He takes it off and he IS the man in the balaclava...
Is this one of those high concept Charlie Kaufmann scripts?
( , Sat 21 Aug 2010, 23:51, Reply)

I had the exact same thought, but you pipped me to saying it by a mere four days.
( , Thu 26 Aug 2010, 0:59, Reply)

with the added on sound made me chortle. I imaging he was making 'huh-huh-huh-huh' machine gun noises at the time.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 11:36, Reply)

Tool has a career ahead of him as security for some no-mark wannabe celeb - but I wouldn't want him within 5 miles of a real gun
( , Sun 29 Aug 2010, 12:03, Reply)

I think the thing that needs mentioning most here is the sound effect added on when he throws his knife. WOOOOOSH!
Anyone else suspect he has anally inspected himself with the barrel of several of those weapons?
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 14:21, Reply)

Absolutely superb. The squat/snake scene was brilliant, "heh, look at what this fella's doing"
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 14:55, Reply)

purely by pursing his lips together and blowing extremely hard.
He blows... Extremely hard.
This guy should get the lead in the impending Raoul Moat movie!
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 19:28, Reply)

But who'll be laughing when he gets a Three Wolf Moon shirt? Hmm? Who'll be laughing then?
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 20:28, Reply)

Brilliant vid!! Thanks very much for sharing but I do have a question. Exactly what is he shooting at? Is he shooting the baddies that are going after his slithery snake friend? I think he should protect all the kittens in the world....but that's just my opinion.
( , Fri 27 Aug 2010, 23:36, Reply)

Yes, the snake really is born for action. He's cool, he's collected, he is completely untroubled by the giant jackass with all the noisy gear and pouty looks.
( , Sat 28 Aug 2010, 3:46, Reply)

the fucking royal python,
scariest of all the snakes,
i love royal pythons,
they're my friends
( , Sat 28 Aug 2010, 13:14, Reply)

...reflexively when he fires the rifle at 0:32. That's the sign of someone who has little to no actual experience firing weapons.
( , Sat 28 Aug 2010, 14:45, Reply)

Just being pedantic here, but has anyone else noticed how he's trying to shoot off his right shoulder and aim with his left eye?
( , Sat 28 Aug 2010, 16:15, Reply)

Well that's 2 minutes and 39 seconds of my life I'm never getting back.
( , Sun 29 Aug 2010, 9:20, Reply)

...this dude would be perfect in some God-awful, low budget, Eastern European action film.
Besides role players and cos players never get this much stick and they are running around dressed as frikkin' wizards or cardboard robots.
Although, saying that, I am a massive hypocrite as a few of my friends are airsofters and I often tell them that they take it far too seriously and look like a bunch of tools.
But maybe there is enough room in this world for all of us weirdos.
( , Sun 29 Aug 2010, 19:26, Reply)

He actually makes Steven Seagal look oscar worthy. The bit where he bobs up to terminate with the bow was good but I prefer the moment he slowly draws his dagger before lobbing it behind him. Hang on...Isn't that a young Rauol Moat before he blew his own head off? (Allegedly)
( , Mon 30 Aug 2010, 7:29, Reply)

cudos to the cameraman though, hardly any "pissing meself laughing" camera shakes throughout the entire clip.
( , Mon 30 Aug 2010, 10:17, Reply)

...Id fucking LOVE that..what with the snake, the muscles and the silly hair it looks like it might end up being a bit like that gay porn film Mark in Peep show started watching
Im also pretty sure Ive seen his name mentioned in allegations of war crimes during the Yugoslav civil war
( , Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:23, Reply)

Theres a lot of shooting but does he actually hit anything?
( , Tue 31 Aug 2010, 13:29, Reply)