Did anybody get this through their door?
I did. It came through like this. Possibly due to a postman's uncontrolable and sensible rage for the racist bastards.
Anyway...look at the pictures of the people.

I spend a lot of time sourcing shit stock photos for shit leaflets myself. So i recognised them faces before. Like old...racist friends.
After looking at the photographerrs, they were all taken predictably in America....and are most likely Americans. In that case, if we're lead to believe the people with these "vote for BNP" vox pops are who they say they are...aren't they technically immigrants?
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:40, Reply)

Also, they missed an apostophe in "Thats why millions of [racists]..."
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:00, Reply)

If YOU were an NHS doctor/ old couple/ soldier,
would you like your face on the literature?
If you were an NHS employee, you'd be either out of work or be sent on a re-education course that scuppered your chances of promotion this century.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 18:44, Reply)

Population of UK: 60 million
Population of Turkey: 70 million
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:47, Reply)

In a country of 70million, 80m are Muslims. What about the other -10million?
My maths may be slightly ropey here
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:18, Reply)

had no idea the BNP even bothered in rural Wales. Any one with Nationalist leanings is going to vote Plyd and any notion of "Britishness" isn't going to fly with your average militant Welshman.
Good job on finding the sources of those photos.. So can they get away with quotes from fictional NHS doctors?
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:47, Reply)

We had one here in Swansea too. There wasn't even a Welsh translation just some random Welsh sentance about the British community. Although the day affter a fantastic leaflet came through the door protesting against the BNP. That one had been translated into Welsh.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 18:52, Reply)

them up here in Porthmadog - I think the expression "pissing into the wind" comes to mind
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 20:43, Reply)

It's been a few years since I lived in Aber - still miss it dearly.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 21:14, Reply)

BNP are idiot-holes
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:48, Reply)

"The disclosure sits uncomfortably with the party's campaign slogan "British jobs for British workers". "
Just think about all those out of work elderly British models ;)
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:50, Reply)

We can't afford for these BNP fuckwits to hold any sway on this planet. Please check the link. It's very important to vote in the upcoming European elections.
/rant off
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:53, Reply)

Well, at least you don't need it at a General Election so I don't see why you would for a €uro one.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:06, Reply)

isnt it some miniscule swing that will see griffin with a seat in the EU?
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:58, Reply)

If they get a seat in the European Parliament, they will be able to liaise with their far-right brethren in Europe, which can't be a good thing.
Also, as an MEP, the BNP would receive £250k a year of our tax money. That does not sit right with me. Not one bit.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:31, Reply)

... that the leaflet has a postage paid reply section.
Is this correct?
Because if it is true and one of those comes through my door I have a couple of telephone directories they're having off me.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:51, Reply)

(sadly it looks like the one on the leaflet means you have to pay your own postage)
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:58, Reply)

Good call, i know a guy who used that trick to a company (for his own reasons) he sent them a brick every week for ages then instructions for a BBQ at the end of it. :-)
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 19:37, Reply)

Is full of win. "You now have all the necessary items to assemble this snazzy bbq..." Great stuff.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 20:54, Reply)

I've read about British people being shoved to the back of queues because immigrants get priority. That's not how it should be. Everyone should get a fair chance based on their needs. If I went to France I'd expect a Frenchman to get priority over me as it's his country. I wouldn't expect to be ignored though. Nobody should be.
There's a lot of bad things happening right now, however the BNP are not the superheroes they've decided they are. Other parties could put a stop to the bad things- like the expenses scandals, making the NHS beter, freeing up more jobs for everyone and so on.
Yes, there are problems, but I don't think they're the answer. They'd go tooooo far in the other direction of what would make Britian good for everyone.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:53, Reply)

I think the stats for last year showed that there wasn't even enough new council houses built to represent one new on for each council. Then with the numbers still being sold (im not against people being able to buy their own council houses..just think the money the council get should go to buy a new one)
The list works by priorotising those who need it most, and I'm sorry but generaly recent immigrants tend to be in the most needy situation. I dont want to live in a country where anyone (no matter where they are from) are forced to live in the conditions alot of these immigrants would be forced to live in..you know think turn of the last century 10 people sharing a bed type thing. Put it this way, if I went to France, was destitute living in awefull conditions, ide rather me be put in housing than a frenchman in better circumstances being put in before me just out the virtue of where he was born..
Just because your born in a country doesnt mean you can take your citizenship for granted.. that BNP leaflet has "Dunkirk" "Falklands" etc. at the top.. I was unaware that by sheer virtue of being born here that I had contributed to those conflicts. The people that actually died in those conflicts laid down their lives for ideals that the BNP dont share.
THe issue is the shortage of council houses, not the people that are being put in them
OOps sorry, bit of a rant there.. not aimed at you, just throwing it out there!
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:07, Reply)

er, wut?
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:22, Reply)

How? just because my mum happened to drop me here?
I didnt fight in Dunkirk.. my great grandad was in the first war, he was from an imigrant family.. he earnt it, not me. If contributed fuck all to this country, im a tad young you see, what makes me better than any immigrant..just because I just happened to be born here?
There are plenty of "immigrants" that contribute a hell of alot more to this nation than me..
thats what I mean about taking citizenship for granted. i feel lucky to live in this country. despite a few of its nigles.. who am i to stand in the way of some one wanting to come here to make a better life for the selves like my ancesters did. We are all "immigrants"..
Sorry, I get wound up by the BNP, and alot of notions of Britishness etc. etc.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:35, Reply)

is that some one who has lived here all there life, paid tax and NI towards building council houses and nhs etc should be a lower priority in re access to these services than someone who has just come here to take advantage of these things? and then, what if their parents and grandparents lived here, paying in. my grandparents lived thru and were involved in ww2* and the austerity years that came after. im pretty shure they were paying in for a system that would allow me to have free healthcare etc. i just do not agree that anyone who comes here should get priority, especially as some just come her to use the NHS, and bring theier rellys over to use the nhs.
i am not actually against immigration, and i cannot stand the BNP, but some of the stuff that goes on now is just taking the piss out of us.
* you know the joke which goes here...
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:43, Reply)

The priority is need.. not nationality
And don't even get me started on the increadable contribution other nations (where it just happens the majority of our immigrants have come from) gave to ournation, not just during the wars but also when we bled them dry through empire.
I'm not going to demand a service at the detriment of someone who needs it more just because of what my grand parents did.
No im gratfull for their contribution because we can live in a country where we have an NHS which is blind to your nationality, race etc. and a country that treats refugees, those requiring assylum with care.
I could try explain further, but i need to get back to my revision.
essentialy you are creating a fictitious situation where some one who like you say contributed NI, tax, etc who is in a worse situation than an immigrant who has just arrived, and the immigrant gets the house/service. The point is, under the system as it stands, THAT does not happen, services are handed out according to who needs it most. it just happens that most immigrants are more in need that "native british people".
im strugling to make my self clear, sorry
I just have to say again, the issue isnt with how services are dealt out. Its the infrastructure and funding which is lacking.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:53, Reply)

"...who is in a worse situation than an immigrant who has just arrived, and the immigrant gets the house/service. The point is, under the system as it stands, THAT does not happen."
er, yes it does. i read all the time of people getting priviledged treatment ahead of british people. even the authorities involved didn't deny the stories. what you are essentially sayinmg is that anyone can come here in any state and expect to go to the top of the housing list as they are homeless. well yes, they left their home to come here so they have no home here, but they would get a property ahead of someone british who has lost their home due to the economic situation. is that a fair system then?
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:59, Reply)

Im just pointing out in principle services should only be distributed out of need. (choosing the example that birth, ancestry etc is irrelevent in my opinion)
If some one is this country and they need help they should get it on an eaqual level on a basis of need.
Now on the other hand if you have a problem with people being in this country and therefor representing competition for service. You're now talking about BNP and Conservative attitudes to immigration and assylum. WHich is a different discusion entirely. Ie. if you accept immigration, and the concept of assylum you have to accept the downside that they require the same services that everyone else does.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:39, Reply)

Put it like this-
when you apply for housing, you fill out forms saying things like if you have children under 10, or a disability, or are a carer, are homeless, are unemployed, etc. This goes towards prioritising your need. You don't enter a bit on how long you or your ancestors have lived in the country- because it's irrelevant in terms of getting the people who need to be housed most into social housing. So a person that is homeless with kids will be prioritised over someone who wants to move out of their mum's house.
To do anything else would create an underclass, and would be ultimately worse for society as a whole, with children living on the streets or in 19th century conditions because they are deemed not as equal.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:05, Reply)

If we've given an immigrant citizenship, we should treat them under the same rules as we do everyone else, because they're a citizen now. Otherwise you end up with a weird two-tier system where some citizens are being systematically treated worse than others.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:28, Reply)

I don't think the Royal Mail are distributing these. I believe it's BNP "foot soldiers" actually going door-to-door. But hey, when you've got a
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 15:56, Reply)

Royal Mail do deliver election material, these BNP ones were sent out last week in our area - 4.5p for each leaflet delivered.
A couple of staff have refused to deliver the BNP ones, which they're entitled to do. (I've refused to deliver the Green party's material - damn hippies!)
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:01, Reply)

A few months back there were a group of 4 BNP supporters, with one of their 14/15 year old kids (FFS!) in tow putting leaflets through doors.
I was coming home from work and spotted one of them about to put one through my letterbox (they were carrying them in British Motor Show bags - BNP and not proud?) so I entered my gate and told him "Don't put that bullshit through my letterbox and get the fuck off my property"
Did they say a word? Did they fuck
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:16, Reply)

is that they always give their reasoning as if they've suffered so much and they've finally had the last straw- they've been "driven into the arms of the BNP" by Gordon Clown and Nu Liarbore. As if when things start to look a bit shitty, the only answer is to suddenly become a raging fascist. It's like the electoral equivalent of a dirty protest- "Look! Look what you've made me do! The bin men didn't come at all this week, so that's it: I'm voting for the BNP!".
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:19, Reply)

just wow - i'm sold. such beautiful colour combinations.
polish spitfire? hahahaha - i'm shure they were made in england...
/i jest
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:20, Reply)

Is the complete lack of manifesto. All the BNP want to do is "kick darkies out." OK (that's immoral, and you are a retard, but let's say you do that). Then what? What exactly are they planning on doing once they've kicked out half the working population and are just left with a bunch of dole scum with absolutely no idea of how to run a country. No idea of what's really going on. The only people voting BNP are so mentally subnormal it's questionable whether they should even have the vote!*
*controversial, I know.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:37, Reply)

But the earliest liberals said that you should only be allowed to have the vote if you owned property.
Now, this wasn't, as people seem to think, an elitist move, but was a move designed at removing the vote from those that could be co-erced. Only those wealthy enough to stand on their own two feet and hard to be bribed by those who would likely be only as wealthy as them should, in this school of thought, wield democratic power.
It does, however, raise some points of where does democracy really stop being democracy, or where does it become some insane free for all? Are those who have lost their jobs due to economic chaos in a too vunerable position to vote? Now, that's taking it to an extreme, and is too far in my opinion, but there are shades inbetween which do bring up debate, prisoners, those who have turned jobs down whilst signed up, those who still live with their parents past voting age, etc.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:50, Reply)

or lloyd George time?
in the early days, only the rich could vote, so it was basically a hegemony to keep the poor out. even lloyd george was against votes for all, especially where women were concerned
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:55, Reply)

it was more political science than political application.
You know, the difference between an academic in their study and a politician in their throne.
Much like Thatcher's use of monetarist economics to justify authoritarian moves. A liberal theorist may say one thing, and the politicians may enforce it for all the wrong reasons.
Abstract ideologies are more my thing than late 19th-early 20th century British history; which is a problem, as that was a moment of time so key in their development, even internationally.
For this reason I got sucked quite firmly into feminism, as I see it as one of the few political forces, or forces on politics, which isn't THE SAME AS ALL THE OTHERS. Also, the one that stands out more independently from early British democracy in its modern form; something which I'm just not interested enough in to read up on enough to learn enough about, I'd much rather read up about Near Eastern languages, and really, really want to learn Arabic, preferably Levantine.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:00, Reply)

...I must become autocrat of our fair land! All hail your despot!
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:03, Reply)

Reposting here
- Immigration - no comment (none needed)
- Law and Order - Usual stuff about reducing crime up to paragraph 3 then it gets interesting, beating up and killing people - sounds fucking great
- Economy - Protectionism which will lead to the end of unemployment - looks like they didn't speak to an economist at any stage of writing this
- Education - 3 paragraphs of nothing - No policy to comment on
- Agriculture - Quality before quantity and self-sufficiency instead of competing globally - Doesn't sound economically viable
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 22:10, Reply)

Before it started I made a mental checklist of phrases:
Anti social
All present, correct and repeated multiple, fear inducing times. I know it's obvious but I fucking hate them with such a passion it genuinely makes me feel nauseaus.
I'm a fairly peaceful chap, but there's a limit and I don't think I'd ever get bored of punching Nick Griffin in his ugly, fat, hitler-loving face. The cunt.
I'll leave the eloquent, intelligent stuff to the rest of you, as I'm neither.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:33, Reply)

My next door neighbours are also ethnics.
They put the leaflet in my porch (yeah, I'm posh, bite me) facing OUT, onto the street.
The thing is there are those that say if you make organisations like the BNP illegal it'll merely drive them underground and make them potentially more powerful.
I disagree with that ever so strongly. NSDAP, 20s and 30s, illegal? No. Victory? Yes. SDP, 30s and 40s, illegal? Yes. Victory? Uh... no.
The same goes for 'risking making a martyr of someone', mainly in reference to Islamic Extremist organisations in the Middle East. They can have whatever martyr they want, martyrs don't make decisions.
Also agree with whoever it was up there who mentioned the whole "protest vote" spiel. Sure, maybe some of them, but it's mostly bullshit. When someone doesn't want to be called out as racist they just claim they did it because of the crimes of New Labour or such, my view, at least.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:39, Reply)

dont turn reptilian on my ass mofo!!
lol... god i luv david icke.
porch!! bloody snob. some people. bah!!
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:46, Reply)

Despite his insane ramblings I often found him to be quite agreeable when it came to more lighthearted stuff. I got hints of what happened between him and some others and a mod, and do believe that sort of thing to be uncalled for, but I don't know, and have no interest in finding out, what really happened and so I'm not going to hold it against him.
As you can tell from the name, though, I am poking some fun mainly at the Icke side of things - before the Icke challenge, funnily enough, the masons told me that was the next challenge a few weeks ahead. I'm comemorating mainly the insane ramblings more than anything else.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:52, Reply)

It helps
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 16:56, Reply)

Almost sorry i started a thread that i would normally skip if i was just lurking. I feel like i've done a Goat. I'm sorry people.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:48, Reply)

horrid facist bastards, they can all dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:42, Reply)

i'm Dr Sule Lamindo will be thrilled to recieve his BNP poster! (P.s. if you live in glasgow and recieve a random BNP poster in Sule's name then aren't you lucky!)
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 19:09, Reply)

BNP must be desperate if they are bothering to campaign in Leicester...the best example of a multi-cultural city in England...
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 21:05, Reply)

I duly wiped my arse with it, and I mean proper shit staining it! They can fuck off if they think they're representing my Britain! And British National party, and yet they show the English flag! WTF I got one in Scotland, and they show an English flag!
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 22:57, Reply)