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I've just seen a National Grid van parked up that was displaying a sticker next to the edge of the passenger door which said 'caution, potential finger trap risk'
What retarded things (than MM or a post by Swipe) have you seen recently?
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:06, 153 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
al's whaaaa whaaaa posts

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:06, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:08, Reply)
If someone's timezone is "5 hours behind", and they want to do something at 9:30.... does that mean they want to do it at 14:30 'my time' ?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:08, Reply)
14.30 your time.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:09, Reply)
Sweet, cheers.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:14, Reply)
you need to do next Thursday

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:09, Reply)
No, it was last Thursday

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:09, Reply)
Unless they mean in your time.
What is time anyway, but a concept?
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:14, Reply)
All the fucking stupid signs/warning like that

on a packet of nuts
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:08, Reply)
This is a perfectly sensible warning on a packet of peanuts
And in-keeping with EC Food Labelling Regulations (1996) Schedule AA1
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:16, Reply)
There's surely a whole sub-section as to these labels

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:17, Reply)
I have a reasonable working knowledge of food labelling regs
If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:25, Reply)
Isn't this because most people don't realise that general nut allegies and peanut allegies are different

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:26, Reply)
My mate was telling me that they are now using peanut instead of almonds in stuff as it is cheaper
Not good for his Mrs who has a peanut allergy
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:31, Reply)
We're all in this together, crow

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:37, Reply)
People like his mate are worse than all the benefits claimants who are better off not working.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:39, Reply)
they have kids for this exact reason

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:43, Reply)
THey only have them so they can get a council house

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:44, Reply)
i did actually hear a group of girls in uxbridge discussing whether to have kids before or after their gcse's for this reason
and my cousin considered it. until her 16 year old brother had a kid and she realised that babies are fucking hard work. (she's the world's worst lesbian now.)

AND my friend's niece got up the duff at 18 and raged because it took the council a few months to find her a house. "i need my own space," she bleated, never having worked for more than a week in john lewis, which she quit because she "didn't like the uniform", but still thinking she was entitled to a house for nothing. her parents work their arses off, god knows where she gets it from.

anyway, i think i've just proved beyond all doubt with REAL EXAMPLES that EVERYONE is just after a council house, you can wring your hands into this bucket and hand it over, ta.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:55, Reply)
Christ your family are as common as muck, aren't they

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:07, Reply)
see, my cousin just saw everyone else getting something for nothing. and she wanted in
the rest are NOT MY FAMILY you illiterate prole
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:09, Reply)
Family AND friends then
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:13, Reply)
She's a classy bird, no doubt about it.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:09, Reply)
No, they have kids to test the food doesnt have peanuts in

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:49, Reply)
Hang on, I was learning about my MEP,
I'm not sure it's terribly who the fuck I should be voting for.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:10, Reply)
Given you're in Oxfordshire the current one is probably a Tory.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:11, Reply)
You'd think that,
It all went a bit lib den down here a few years ago and I think they're all too embarrassed to admit they were wrong.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:14, Reply)
Lib Dem won the last election, the the Conservatives kinda just took over.
I don't get it.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:17, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:23, Reply)
Oxford used to have two parliamentary seats IIRC. One was labour and the other Tory. That was just the city though, the county is probably Tory.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:22, Reply)
Isn't Witney and all around there Dave's seat?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:24, Reply)
I believe so.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:28, Reply)
It is yeah,
Basically north and West oxford are all tory, East Oxford is split between violent labour working class and gentrified new middle class liberals and South Oxford is all new money lib dem commute to London weirdos.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:13, Reply)
I have eaten my lamb, it was very tasty. The port reduction was spot on.
National Grid van, those guys and their health and safety. Next they won't have bus bars to test.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:10, Reply)
Risotto for me and the calves tonight
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:12, Reply)
Containing what?
I do one with wild mushrooms, goats cheese and guinea fowl which is awesome even if I say so myself.

I want risotto now.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:15, Reply)
Chicken, chorizo, peas and griddled courgette
Kind of more like a paella risotto
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:18, Reply)
Courgette is a good shout.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:18, Reply)
I'd do asparagoose too, had I any

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:23, Reply)
Needs moar cannon bears.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:25, Reply)
Everything needs more cannon bears

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:30, Reply)
Needs more nyommy baconz

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:23, Reply)
This is true
The stock I made was fucking lovely though
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:30, Reply)
they say you cook risotto for the one you love
so this explains a lot
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:44, Reply)
Who says that?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:46, Reply)
Risotto is a classic example of the end result being greater than the sum of its parts

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:47, Reply)
That doesn't answer my question

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:48, Reply)
You didn't ask me the question

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:48, Reply)
the italians
well, to be specific, my friend's italian boyfriend's mother.

but this isn't the point. the point is that battered has to love himself and wank tears of salt into his risotto because nobody else will ever sleep with him.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:52, Reply)
All Day Breakfast
Served until midday.

On the menu of one of the local pubs.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:10, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:11, Reply)
"Please do not attempt to stop with hands or genitals"
on YM
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:14, Reply)
and chainsaws

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:14, Reply)
I get YM started using them

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:15, Reply)
Labour borrowed and borrowed, plus sent us to war with Iraq
Conservatives took back to pay back the borrowing and continued warring.

When I look at the parties, I look for a leader. One who will speak his mind and not hide behind others. Farage seems the most likely out of all the candidates to do this.
I will admit I don;t know the pros and cons of Europe. I do believe we should never take on the Euro as currency.
I do believe we should tighten our immigration laws and only let people in who will give something to the country. Look how hard it is to get into Australia, and they seem to do just fine.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:16, Reply)
It saddens me to think that a lot of people think this way.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:17, Reply)
Well if people don't seek it out, then this is how it's portrayed.
I know for a fact that Im not going to any rallies or speeches.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:18, Reply)
For once I'm not having a go at you here, Jase
That's why I didn't include your name in my copy and paste.
It depresses me, that's all.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:20, Reply)
I know. It is a shame people (including myself) don;t show a more active interest in things that run our country.
But even if we did, our own opinions would still be valid. Just because they differ from yours, or you don;t see eye to eye, doesn't make them wrong.
Politics is not a black and white game. People will say what they see.
It's good but it's not right.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:25, Reply)
Opinions are invalid if they are based on untruths.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:40, Reply)
aside from Farage and not knowing the pros and cons of Europe it's about spot on

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:27, Reply)
Oh shut up, silly

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:28, Reply)
I've got a meeting now, I hope I'm not too distracted by thoughts about your cunt

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:30, Reply)
I'll text you a picture of it in the middle of your meeting

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:38, Reply)
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:16, Reply)
What does it actually mean?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:18, Reply)
It means that PJ is now an ethnic minority and the Daily Mail will soon start moaning about him as a result.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:19, Reply)
The Cornish are whinging little shit cunts.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:19, Reply)
Its a miner issue

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:18, Reply)
Are yous gonna be fighting for independence now too?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:19, Reply)
This has been an ongoing 'struggle' for a long time
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:21, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:22, Reply)
I quite liked that insult

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:24, Reply)
I thought it was splendid and have now adopted it.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:31, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:32, Reply)
Really? Kept that quiet.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:26, Reply)
I see Al and Kroney are still going in the other thread

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:33, Reply)
Can't be arsed to read it, give me a synopsis please.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:36, Reply)
rargh rargh rargh

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:39, Reply)
Sounds intense.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:40, Reply)
It's basically "You're wrong."
"No youn are"

"You're a prick"

"Well, you're a cunt".

With added politics. Entertaining.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:43, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:55, Reply)
I find it so depressing that he keeps saying he's too upset with my terrible insults to come up with an opinion.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:36, Reply)
I like Kroney, however he has come across as a bellend in your exchange.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:40, Reply)
I'd get involved, but I'm too busy applying for jobs so I don't have to access a fucking food bank.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:42, Reply)
Many to apply for? It's a numbers game innit.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:44, Reply)
No, that's sudoku.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:46, Reply)
I love a bit of sodoku

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:47, Reply)
I like that 2048 puzzle.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:48, Reply)
I've only got up to 1024 on that. It's annoying me.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:49, Reply)
I won it and then uninstalled it.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:52, Reply)
Apparently there is a Dr Who version of it.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:52, Reply)
I'm not that sad

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:57, Reply)
Kroney said you were.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:13, Reply)
I think we've proved that his opinions can be safely filed in a box marked "Nobody cares"

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:14, Reply)
How many attempts did it take you to complete it?
Has someone created a 4096 version yet?
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:03, Reply)
It took me a week or so.
You can set it not to end once you get to 2048, and TGB got up to 8192
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:05, Reply)
I keep having a couple of games and then getting frustrated and going and doing something easy instead.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:56, Reply)
It's quietened off a bit in my line of work.
Just finished one application which is for the job I was doing on a temp basis at the start of the year, so fingers crossed.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:50, Reply)
Did he?
All I could make out was Al frothing at the gash and calling him an idiot because he didn't agree with him.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:45, Reply)
I'm not getting to an argument about an argument. That's what me ex-wife used to try.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:46, Reply)
No she didnt

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:48, Reply)
Oh come on now Batts
The make up shag will be cosmic.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:08, Reply)

k d
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:11, Reply)
That's probably because you're also an idiot who didn't read the very first thing I said.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:46, Reply)
You have precisely proved my point.
Well done.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:49, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:52, Reply)
Excellent. You managed to reply without calling anyone an idiot, spastic, or a cunt.
There may be hope for you.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:07, Reply)
I love it when people on b3ta try and be the bigger person by getting upset at swears

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:10, Reply)
Oh wait a minute - you're being funny here now, aren't you?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:11, Reply)
No funnier than you were when you got upset that I was rude to someone on this forum, which revels in the use of goatse, lemon party, tubgirl, the word cunt and jokes about raping babies.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:13, Reply)
I don't think anyone was getting upset Al - apart from perhaps yourself.
Calling someone an idiot because they don't agree with you makes you look like, well, an idiot.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:18, Reply)
As I said, the problem that Kroney had, and that you evidently had too, is that you've completely failed to read my original post.
I said I was fed up of people blaming benefit claimants, when, regardless of whether or not a tiny minority of such claims are fraudulent, they have had no meaningful impact on the problems we have experienced in the economy.

Those problems were caused by a collapse of the banking system which, regardless of whether you feel better regulation should have been brought in earlier, or since, was down to people working in those institutions being both criminals and incompetents. And yet nobody is blaming them or forcing through change.

In response to my assertion that I couldn't be bothered any more because I found people parroting the same lies over and over without any thought as to whether or not they were in fact lies, Kroney came out with this gem "This business of it being more lucrative to stay on benefits than to work for a living is patently ridiculous."

Now, as your attention span appears to be quite short I'll reiterate my original problem, that I find endless blaming of the benefits system, despite it not being even a minor contributory cause to the economic problems, to be very depressing and representative of a nasty selfish attitude which is seemingly impossible to change.

As I said to swipe below, it's not my job to gently cajole Kroney and explain the untrue things he's spouting, but I also don't want to just let him say it and reinforce his misguided opinion based on a lie.

He's not an idiot for having a different opinion to me, he's an idiot for believing that benefits somehow support a lavish lifestyle for lots of people who simply can't be bothered to work.

Does that clear things up?
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:28, Reply)
the real problem is that people on benefits are ugly
i might support a campaign for benefits for a cut and colour and a manicure
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:31, Reply)
too far?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:31, Reply)
I dunno, you've met me, what do you reckon?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:34, Reply)
I reckon your snazzy green coat should get you extra money.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:36, Reply)
I reckon so too.
Or, alternatively, beaten up in the jobcentre.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:37, Reply)
Now, while there is no way of demonstrating my current feelings
I hope that the fact that I have set out my argument in clear and concise way should reassure you that I am not "HAHA LOL UPSET"
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:31, Reply)
the national debt is nearly 1.5 trillion
which coincidentally is what the government gave all the banks to bail them out.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:32, Reply)
"This business of it being more lucrative to stay on benefits than to work for a living is patently ridiculous."
Out of context I could take this two ways: The first being that people who believe this to be the case are clearly idiots, or latterly, that a situation where someone is better off on benefits than being in work is ridiculous.

I'm not sure which one was meant.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:34, Reply)
He meant it in the second sense. He thinks that there are a lot of people better off on benefits rather than working, and feels this is ridiculous

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:36, Reply)
Would that include people working fewer hours, on low pay, and getting it topped up with tax credits
just to bring them up to a halfway decent standard of living?
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:38, Reply)
I didn't get that impression, from the context he was referring to people living a life of luxury
with fags and flat screen tv's paid for by the state with them doing nothing.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:39, Reply)
oh, you mean members of parliament
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:42, Reply)
There may well be some circumstances where a large family
are better off claiming benefits than working once you take into account factors like paying rent, council tax and childcare etc. I have seen a few myself. But the time comes when the last child leaves full time education, and then suddenly all that lovely free money dries up, and they're fucked, especially in the case of single parents (mostly mothers) who haven't worked for 20-odd years and suddenly find themselves having to jump through job hunting hoops.

Also, I'm out of work at the moment and have a flat screen TV. Which I bought 4 years ago, when I was working.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:43, Reply)
I'm not saying that the situation doesn't exist where some people will end up being entitled to a number of benefits
because of their kids etc.

What I've said is that the existence of a few people like that is not the reason we have a fucked economy. And taking steps to stop that tiny minority of people form getting as much money has the knock on effect of really, really hurting the majority of people who need some help so that they don't starve to death.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:45, Reply)
"if you want to know a man's character, look at how he treats his inferiors"
albus dumbledore, I believe
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:47, Reply)
Oh, I wholly agree with you on that score.
See also "benefit tourism is bleeding the country dry". Er, no it isn't, it's costing the country a very small amount of money in the grand scheme of things. It happens, yeah, but not to the extent they'd have you believe.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:49, Reply)
You see, you have formed this opinion by looking at actual facts
Which is why you're not an idiot.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:53, Reply)
Mismanagement of the Universal Credit IT system
has cost more than benefit tourism in the last year. I'd be interested at seeing how much money various governments have squandered on shite computer systems over the last 20 years, including systems that were scrapped before even coming on line because they just didn't work.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:56, Reply)
or the benefits of working make him look ridiculous

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:39, Reply)
Apols for the delay, had to take my daughter to dance rehearsals.
This may come as a surprise to you Al, but I fully understood both sides of the argument. Your condescending tone does you no favours though, as usual.

In regards to Kroney's post, I simply took it to mean that if an individual is better off on benefits than going to work, then that is a ridiculous situation. I didn't infer from it that it is a particularly widespread problem, but clearly in a small number of cases it does happen. I have known one or two cases myself.

I didn't see (unless there were deletions) Kroney saying that it was a widespread problem, or indeed that it was crippling the economy.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 17:50, Reply)
i don't get why you're so keen to save people
people are cunts. this is the one thing that anyone on any side of any political fence can agree on.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:53, Reply)
You're exactly right, which is why I'm not even trying to play nice, gently tease out kroneys penis
let him know it's okay and everyone is entitled to think whatever they like, stroke it up and down and get things moving, discuss whether or not he might like to consider another viewpoint, and then hand him a kleenex.

As I said from the start, the whole situation is very depressing and leaves me simply not wanting to bother. But just because I'm not trying to save him doesn't mean I'm not going to point out when he's being a spastic cunt.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:57, Reply)
Kroney has just frothed back and called him an idiot too.
I feel we have all learned something from this exchange.
Apart from Jason.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:47, Reply)
poor jaysum

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:48, Reply)
Jason should shut up.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 15:49, Reply)
The gays are mental.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:21, Reply)
He's just a jealous guy

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:23, Reply)
That is hilarious.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:29, Reply)

... oh.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:22, Reply)
I didn't even read it.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:22, Reply)
I for one am outraged
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:28, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:33, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:38, Reply)
(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:39, Reply)
is this rory?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:41, Reply)
no, are you rory? or bert?

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:42, Reply)
You're not my real dad. I HATE YOU.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:41, Reply)
Start a new thread Nakers.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:44, Reply)
got a meeting themn going to the pub

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:45, Reply)

(, Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:46, Reply)

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