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See, the below is a perfect example of how the INTERNETS can get you upset.
Its all bollocks, and if you spend too much time online and not out doing constructive things, in the end you'll get fucked up one way or another...even if its just a wonky back and RSI.
This isnt a dig at Syl, or anyone else, just a rant to say its wrong to get too into the internets. It'll always end in tears.
Im off from B3ta for good. Its been doing my swede in for some time now, laters guys.
Real Life 1 INTERNETS 0
prem1um is full of life, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:10,
see you in a few days then
Gilgamesh gazed in wonder as Frampton came alive, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:11,
Later dude.
djrich - Live from Houghton Regis got this thing for Clémence Poésy, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:11,
Good lord.
Are you really going? But.. but..
*single tear*
Aardvark and so at last, I understood, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:12,
Enough good people have left lately.
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:12,
Hold me, Esme.
Everything's changing too fast for me.
Aardvark and so at last, I understood, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:14,
*cops a feel*
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:15,
Are you still having your bash, though?
MooCow_Byter, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:12,
SuperMatt, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:13,
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:13,
It's just not going to happen today
SuperMatt, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:14,
She said she was definitely going though, didnt she?
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:14,
She did
I confirmed it with her on Wednesday.
The only thing which wasn't confirmed was the time. I meant to do that on friday, but I had to rush around trying to get a doctor's appointment.
The festival is almost over now
SuperMatt, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:17,
Fuck's sake.
I would be very pissed off.My ex used to do that to me. At least you're not going out with her.
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:19,
I am a bit pissed off. But I'm not going to let it get to me. I work with her, she works under me and I mustn't make her life hell because of it. I'm sure I'll get an explanation.
SuperMatt, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:21,
'noon all.
tearstantrums, occasional sex and shenanigans
Godzuki needs more sleep., Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:13,
I support this post fully
I'm looking forward to starting work and getting away from it all.
Not saying I'll be gone completely, just on here and the internet in general a whole lot less.
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:13,
What a great time to arrive.
Johnny Catfish - Yowsa!, Sat 21 Jul 2007, 16:13,