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# I wish I had been taught group theory at school, it's quite nice really.
Took until this year for me to learn about it.

Then again, I saw a book in foyles the other day about representation theory, which looks like madness.
(, Mon 12 Apr 2010, 19:03, archived)
# hmm
i was taught group theory at:

* a level (advanced maths, the gcse cut out as much maths from the maths a level as possible) -- understood it, no problems

* 1st year uni -- understood it, no problems

* 2nd year uni -- understood it, no problems

* didn't do it in 3rd year uni though it edges into other subjects, all of which i understood, no problems

* 4th year uni -- fucking rubbish lecturer who i hated and who disliked me, taught me the theory of lie groups and applications to particle physics and he can FUCK OFF AND DIE GRAAAARGHGODIFUCKINGHATEDTHATFUCKINGCUNT HEFUCKEDUPGROUPTHEORYFORME

i think you may have a point :D

edit: that was actually to mgt but it almost makes sense here :)
(, Mon 12 Apr 2010, 20:14, archived)