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# Scots can't live on booze alone...

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Wan kebab, ye bastart. Haud the salad.
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:09, archived)
# Mmm Irn Bru
I had some Bru earlier today. Lovely stuff.
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:18, archived)
# It seems I am a Scot
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:32, archived)
# I can't help
But feel insulted.
And I truly fear what may happen to you if your order at a small Scottish eatery ended "Ye bastart."
And anyway, tradition states we have our delicacy with BEER edit: Ya poof.
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:36, archived)
# Don't blame me
My other half is Scottish, they came up with the text!
(, Sun 1 Aug 2010, 0:41, archived)
# Arf!
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:40, archived)
# Warrior mode ON.
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:43, archived)
# Corr! I approve of this kind of warfare :D
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:44, archived)
# Wrap yer gums 'roon ma plums
Gies a gobble!
(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:47, archived)
# I love Irn Bru
and I love putting Irn Bru in vodka.

(, Sat 31 Jul 2010, 23:41, archived)
# Liquid bubblegum
the best hangover cure in the world!
(, Sun 1 Aug 2010, 0:05, archived)