Yeah he was a notorious scrooge.
TYPICAL JEW! statement does not actually reflect real opinions of the author regarding any and all of the aforementioned religious sects / cults / religions mentioned in this statement
Zumf Ham banjo,
Tue 1 Feb 2011, 20:22,
He was probably real
And probably a pretty nice bloke, but the stuff about the virgin birth, all the magic tricks and the resurrection was probably added later to add PIZAZZ to the story.
Zumf Ham banjo,
Tue 1 Feb 2011, 20:32,
i can't fly
but all it takes is for some people to say they saw me fly. in 200 years, some idiot could find a written record of my supposed flying and believe it. before you know it, chinese whispers and bullshit turn me into a religious icon.
it's all bollocks.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 1 Feb 2011, 20:37,