Look up your last seven day's worth and at the last page, there's a link to your posts in the archive, click it and replace the number that appears in the url with your post count (give or take a few, to the nearest ten), so something like:
www.b3ta.com/users/searchposts.php?id=[your user number]&board=main_archive&start=[something a bit lower than your post count]
( ,
Thu 3 Mar 2011, 12:33,
www.b3ta.com/users/searchposts.php?id=[your user number]&board=main_archive&start=[something a bit lower than your post count]
Try this:
(Other users can't see any of your posts older than 7 days)
( ,
Thu 3 Mar 2011, 12:40,
(Other users can't see any of your posts older than 7 days)