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# Not that talented?
Not now of course, he's at the end of his career. I'm not a fan of David Beckham the media whorepersonality, but I have to acknowledge the game against Greece which he won pretty much single-handedly to enable us to get to the World Cup Finals in 2002.
(, Mon 2 May 2011, 9:55, archived)
# Please don't back me into a corner regarding the Beckhams I don't know enough about his football career
I was just throwing around my ill-informed personal dislike of him and his wife's media whorage, well it's more of a double edged sword really as the media love to whore this couple.

forgive me my intrusion into the realm of football I know how sensitive you men are about it.
(, Mon 2 May 2011, 10:26, archived)