Some raisin bread with cheese and coburger ham, buttered krentenbollen,
a box of mixed fruit parts (pineapple, mango, 2 types of apple, grapes), a large mug of earl grey tea and half a litre of buttermilk
okidokis mediocre
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:32,
you kerazy forrins
and your kerazy food stuffs.
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:36,
that sounds braw!
have maatjesharing with that
emvee cruor deo cruoris,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:40,
I guess I will have that tomorrow
*too lazy to go out again and cross the street for it blog*
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Wed 25 May 2011, 13:07,