finished it, I'm doing the 5 star run through, and trying to get the cars
where you at in it?
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:37,
I've started on Crysis 2
been away from Xbox for a while
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:38,
really didn't like that game,
graphically it looked stunning, but I thought it was all a bit..meh! really looking forward to battlefield 3 though :)
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:40,
4 more buys for me this year, no more!
BF3 MW3 Fifa 12 Uncharted 3.
(Whato_JeevesDid your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch?,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:42,
n Batman: Arkham City ;)
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:43,
There goes the savings account.
(Whato_JeevesDid your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch?,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:43,
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:44,
I have Crysis on the PC the graphics nearly killed by video card
but I have work friends who play Crysis 2 so at least I can be a noob in the company of people who know what they're doing :D
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:47,
yea it's one of those games you need to run it on a full spec pc after taking out a second mortgage :)
I think the ps3 did a good job with handling it, but not a patch on pc
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:49,
Yeah both PS3 and Xbox are PC-lite
but as they are tuned directly to graphics they can perform far better even with lesser chipsets than a PC can deliver.
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:52,
I'd be playing Crysis 2 now but I'm uploading a video to YouTube and it's taking forever.
I had to order some gamer headset (Turtle Beach X11) as I'm currently having to wear both the Live Chat and another set of headphones to get both Chat and Game sound together.
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sun 29 May 2011, 18:03,
Played it round a friend's, and the gameplay seemed very linear ... I just went back to trying to get further in Half Life 2 instead :D
(drimblehe'd been white, he'd been black,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:48,
Half Life 2 is still one of my fav' games :)
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:50,
Gordon's Alive!
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:58,
Yeah, 'tis ace!
Got The Orange Box, haven't looked at the other episodes yet, kind of want to play them in order
(drimblehe'd been white, he'd been black,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:59,
Think I'm around 87%, those last few cars are gonna be a bitch.Gotta get the reels and 5 star like 6 cases.
(Whato_JeevesDid your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch?,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:39,
I've a lot left to do :)
might play it after the scotland footy game
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Sun 29 May 2011, 17:42,
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