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# Hahahahhahahaha fixed
EDIT: No I'm not - it's witty, post-modern comment on the state of education in Britain today.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 9:38, archived)
# Hurrah!
I always's enjoy blaming things on Thatcher.

I hope everyone enjoys your picture for what it is and doesn't enter into a big argument.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 9:40, archived)
# Hahahaha
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 9:42, archived)
# *picks up a mid-sized hefting brick*
Say that again, racist.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 9:50, archived)
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 9:51, archived)
# *loots a new age bookstore*
That'll teach ya!
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:00, archived)
# Yeah right like that would happen.
"Ooo hey look Strykah - the karmic teachings in the Buddhist philosophy within the teachings of Zen purport that actions visited upon others will be visited upon those doing the actions ... "
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:08, archived)
# lol
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:27, archived)