The not to distant future either
Serco is a real British business success story
Rebel biscuit stercore sumus et nos esse novimus,
Tue 16 Aug 2011, 11:16,
For a given value of success...
barryheadwound Mul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Tue 16 Aug 2011, 12:06,
Or to put it another way,
Serco are the very ugly side of capitalism and privatisation.
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?,
Tue 16 Aug 2011, 16:39,
hhh you mean like blackwater in the states with there offical vigilantes and in the middle east working as private soldiers?
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life,
Wed 17 Aug 2011, 20:45,
^ this
Is it true that the most we can know is how much they are given for a particular task, but are not entitled to know how much of that money gets spent by them doing them, and how much goes to shareholders?
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally,
Thu 18 Aug 2011, 10:04,