but as you say he came across as being overly sentimental and hammy maybe that was just the nature and direction of the film maybe he believed in the film so much he just slept-walked his way through it but that's the feeling I get from a lot of M. Night Shyamalan's films like The Village it was like they were all taking mogadon.
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 17:37,

To be quite fair though, everyone in that movie seemed half-asleep for the most part. Maybe it was what Shyamalan intended, although part of me puts it down to a poorly written script and shoddy direction.
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 17:46,

and often laughable I know it was meant to be deeply serious but the fact that Mel Gibson's wife was pinned against a tree by a 4x4 I just couldn't take it seriously. "Swing high, swing high!"
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 18:05,

M. Night seems to really scrape the bottom of the barrel for his plot twists sometimes; I quite liked The Sixth Sense because the realization was always there, just not very evident. The twist in Signs was just way too far fetched for my liking.
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 18:08,

and all the intrinsic problems inherent with that: distance, technology, extreme temperatures, space debris travelling at massive speeds that could rip a SpaceCraft apart and what are they defeated by? A fucking wooden door and a Baseball Bat!
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 18:23,

Like, if that girl knew that would come in handy, how would have she known before the news reports that a seemingly superior race to our own can be defeated by Evian?
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 18:27,

it goes without saying that our obviously humanoid alien overlords would find that water is like acid to them! And even if you could find a reason why this would be the case you're left with the question why are trying to conquer a planet made up mostly of water and where it actually falls from the skies - God help their Manchester ground support team!
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 19:00,

There isn't a single lifeform on the planet that doesn't consist of at least the base elements of water. I reckon M Night must have wrote the characteristics of these aliens after watching The Wizard of Oz.
And that is a very valid point; WHY are the aliens invading this planet of all planets? If it's for resources, I'm sure there's other planets out there that handle that quota just as well.
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Sat 20 Aug 2011, 19:13,
And that is a very valid point; WHY are the aliens invading this planet of all planets? If it's for resources, I'm sure there's other planets out there that handle that quota just as well.