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# Nicely!
Mk 2 Borisette picked up a book at playschool today about dinosaurs. Unfortunately, it was by a fucking fundie is about how dinosaurs and man happily strolled around the Earth together, which reall really was made in only seven days.
Fucking fundies.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:32, archived)
# I would complain in the strongest possible terms to the playschool
That's not what I'd really do but what I'd really do would probably get Mk 2 Borisette banned from playschool
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:35, archived)
# Ah, but the playgroup is in a church.
The playgroup itself isn't a religious one. I really, really don't have a problem with religion, but this book is just fucking nuts. It's written by a chap who (if I remember correctly) is still in prison for tax fraud and is a well-known fundie nut job. FSTDT have a stack of quotes by him.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:38, archived)
# I really do have a problem with religion
and if one of those cunts tried to indocrinate my offspring I'd shove their dogma so far up their arses they'd be shitting bullshit for a week.

Still, welcome to the Big Society.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:41, archived)
# Religion is a business.
It sells 'hope' to people with real problems. A load of fucking shite, it is.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:44, archived)
# We have a surprising number of religious scientists at work.
Some of them are christian-lite and are religious in name only. Strange thing is, the most religious chap we have never preaches, never turns a subject. He'll talk about it if you ask him, but never pushes it on us. On rare, rare occasions he can swear pretty well.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:50, archived)
# Mm, don't get me wrong, I DO have a problem with the whole thing
but I won't deny that there are religious people I know that are actually really nice people, that keep themselves to themselves.

I mean, if they want to believe all that, I say let them.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:14, archived)
# It certainly is.
1,000 years ago the Church owned 25% of England and it still owns a fair whack today, complete with tax breaks. The Vatican isn't poor either; probably richer than Italy is!
And all, as you say, by selling. As the old army saying goes: There are no atheists in foxholes.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:56, archived)
# I don't think there are anything but atheists in foxholes
Because if there really was a god looking after you, you wouldn't have ended up in a foxhole
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:01, archived)
# I assumed it meant all foxes believe in the FoxGod
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:06, archived)
# He probably looks like one of JJ's creations
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:09, archived)
# I suppose a FoxGod should have treetrunk thighs and human tits
Although it should also have a big cock, so would need to be a pre-op tranny FoxGod. That's what foxes like.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:16, archived)
# I suppose we'd have to ask JJ what he thinks it looks like.
Or I'd have to draw it.

Also, one of the deities of Wicca is a furry.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:22, archived)
# go ahead and draw it
but remember it's a pre-op tranny with massive human tits.

I'll ask JJ if he's on later (although he will ignore me).
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:48, archived)
# or maybe we should have a FoxGod draw off!
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 16:07, archived)
# I'll have a go in a bit :)
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 16:14, archived)
# I love it when you talk dirty.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:26, archived)
# So does Beadle
(or so I've heard...)
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 20:14, archived)
# No no no... I believe in Cthulhu.
And yiffing.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:13, archived)
# They all believe that He will protect them from the hounds of hell
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:59, archived)
# Ah, but you are using logic.
It doesn't work like that. I'd be interested to see a study on how many people turned to religon after winning the lottery compared to how many turned to religon after being sentenced to death. I think I can guess the answer though.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:06, archived)
# Aha
logic and the religious, never the twain shall meet
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:07, archived)
# ^THIS Massively
I'm guessing at Kent Hovind, very involved in the religion business.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:58, archived)
# Also the banana marketing board :)
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:11, archived)
# That 'banana' video is one of the silliest things I've ever seen.
I had to watch it twice just to make sure it was real.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:25, archived)
# Ah, we're in Australia, so no big society.
I'm happy to mix it with them if they try pushing it on the kids, but their reaction to the book makes me think I won't have to worry about them. Mk 1 Borisette is only five and she nearly wet herself laughing at the bollocks in it.
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:48, archived)
# Good stuff

This chap is an Aussie with the right attitude
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 14:56, archived)
# most amusing!
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:05, archived)
# That is a thing of beauty,
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:08, archived)
# Heh heh heh
(, Tue 30 Aug 2011, 15:22, archived)