(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi,
Thu 15 Sep 2011, 12:52,
The wierd thing is, that I use a wacom Touch pad to browse, and find scrolling left to right to browse wide things quite cool, so I kind of wish there where more WWIIIIIDDDEEEE websites instead of long scrolly ones
(The magic of chutneyShakes it like an Instagram filter!,
Thu 15 Sep 2011, 12:57,
I'm nipping out for an hour, will expect it on my internets when I get back!
(The magic of chutneyShakes it like an Instagram filter!,
Thu 15 Sep 2011, 13:04,
the great thing is you can go as long as you want without pissing people off as they have a choice if they want to scroll into it if it's effing huge. that wide pic is actually 2 halves laid on top of each other to keep the size down. In theory you could just keep slicing it to go longer. It's unlimited pixel country out east
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi,
Thu 15 Sep 2011, 13:09,
*jumps onto horse*
And rides pell-mell into the scroll bar on the right...
(The magic of chutneyShakes it like an Instagram filter!,
Thu 15 Sep 2011, 13:18,
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