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# try living underneath someone
who's only using the place to take drugs and play loud music with his mates every night, until about 6 a.m, who's smashed every window in the flat, broken his toilet, causing me to have to take an umbrella into the bathroom, poured green paint down my windows for a laugh, used a bucket to shit in, tied a rope to the bucket, then used it to try to break my windows, then caused it to rain very heavily all over my flat by flooding me out completely.
noise be damned.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:06, archived)
# Yeah, sorry about that....
I'll invite you up next time.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:09, archived)
# pfff
closest i've ever been to a nervous breakdown
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:11, archived)
# Have the council helped?
Ours is really helpful......
They gave us a diary to write down the incidents in.....
I'm looking at it more as a piece of evidence for my defense when I'm up in court for their murder.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:13, archived)
# Ours did that
still took them 2 fucking years to move them 1 fucking street away but still...
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:14, archived)
# yeah, i had the Incident Diary
took me 6 months, but i got the fucker evicted
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:15, archived)
# \o/
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:17, archived)
# the first of 3, as it turned out
so glad i got moved out of there
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:20, archived)
# :(
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:24, archived)
# Hell is other people
and if the other people are chavs on drugs you're in some serious hell!

Many hugs and sympathies, I have been there, a few times, tho not as bad as that sounds, I don't think!

You win!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:13, archived)
# it wasn't fun
but at least i know now how to get someone evicted!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:15, archived)
# I'm glad you managed it, it's not easy,
all they do is lie and lie and lie, ours did and I got a mate in Hull with similar factors still ongoing and at every turn when the law tries to catch up with them and sort something definite out, they just cloud everything up with more and more filthy swirling bullshit, sending all authorities involved on yet another legally obliged series of wild goose chases to try and decide who's bullshitting who.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:23, archived)
# the police were called out almost every night
he was only 17, but they knew him well. the council told him if he left willingly, they'd give him another flat but, if he was evicted, he'd never get another one. fucking idiot ignored them and waited to get evicted.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:26, archived)
# No no no, you see, to him that was the only choice,
as all treu chavs have ONE thing in common IME, they absolutely MUST feel they are a victim of circumstances due to other people clipping their wings! As such, if he'd just gone elsewhere, he would have had no way of feeling duty bound to continue to be a complete arsehole for the rest of his life!

S'not his fault!!1!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:32, archived)
# hahaha!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:35, archived)