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# Basically yeah.
I think has something to do with the fact that your brain tries to make sense of the shading in terms of light direction, but since the shading is rotated in each component (suggesting an impossible lighting arrangement), the whole thing shifts visually as your mind tries to resolve the new shading information in a way that makes sense over the whole image.
That's a guess, but if you work on that assumption in the way that I have right here, it does start to fuck up visually, so even if I'm wrong about the reason, it's not a bad approach.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 23:28, archived)
# Ah, yeah, that makes sense.
I might have a go sometime. I haven't had any hallucinogenics for years, but I do enjoy these little reminders.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 23:37, archived)