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# I think that's a lovely touch
not making me rush out and buy them though :D
I'd rather have the unedited DVDs from a couple of years back that everyone seemed to forget about
(, Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:48, archived)
# i've got them
i watched a couple of scenes from the remasters and the originals and he's cleaned up a hell of a lot in the process. the originals on the dvds are the laserdisc transfer which was pretty rubbish. the remasters have much crisper colours, a hell of a lot less blur and generally look better -- until the shitty mid-90s cgi comes on when it just looks poor.

i prefer the original versions myself but then i did watch them when i was about 7, something people always seem to forget when they get all hot under the colour about it.

also, i agree, i think he's just trolling people and seeing how far he can push it before people *actually* stop buying the new release instead of just saying that they will
(, Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:51, archived)