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# Exactly, and now having pointed out one small flaw in his statement
He is now legally compelled to abandon his former belief systems and shout from the rooftops about how he is now a converted fan of all things Star Wars.
That's how internet debating works, isn't it? That's what we all signed up to, right?
(, Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:59, archived)
# Absolutely!
I think Chutters will admit he's come to his senses because I picked him up on a small, unimportant slip, and the world will be set to rights until the NEXT time someone says something a pedant can poke a very small hole in.
(, Mon 19 Sep 2011, 15:04, archived)
# *pokes*
(, Mon 19 Sep 2011, 15:30, archived)