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# lovely
though the denizen looks a bit like a poo-person, as it is brown

Hang on - is the schoolgirl actually JJ? o.O
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:23, archived)
It's Mr. Hankey!
that would have bugged me all day.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:25, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:26, archived)
# Hmm now you mention it this opens up the possibilities of all sorts of freaky weirdness
JJ sat in a Japanese schoolgirl uniform posting fan-art on b3ta while giggling and clapping his hand very overexcitedly. Now that is just too weird and I have to buy some mind-bleach now.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:58, archived)