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# ^
my brother watches it, and i am ashamed. Vampires have always been gay as fook since Twilight. We need another Blade film, but Snipes is in jail or something, isnt he?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:17, archived)
# hahah it's awesome
nothing says sexy time like a man breaking a womans neck, turning her head 180 and carrying on humping
Obviously NSFW
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:22, archived)
# You old charmer, you
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:26, archived)
# Yep, for the depressingly bland crime of tax evasion
Such a shame, he was one of my favourite action stars when I was a kid. I wish he'd got sent down for something more manly and exciting. Like raping a bear.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:24, archived)
# Pffft!
"Always bet on black!"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:27, archived)