see - you said 'epic'
which means youre one of those 'internet' people, and probably love unicorns, bronies, charlie sheen, lolcats, cheezburgers and double rainbows.
Looks like its going to win unanimously anyway. Just as well im away this weekend, and working all next week! *grumbles, admits defeat already*
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Fri 30 Sep 2011, 10:27,
Looks like its going to win unanimously anyway. Just as well im away this weekend, and working all next week! *grumbles, admits defeat already*
What's a bronie?
Sorry Taters! I apologise for my awful choice, of compo and choice of words with Epic. Does it help any that I'm also a really big fan of Potatoes and that your username is one of my favourites?
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Fri 30 Sep 2011, 10:31,
apparrently, bronies are grown male fans of the new my little pony cartoon
spurred on by the intrest in ironic internet memes like this whole unicorn thing.
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Fri 30 Sep 2011, 10:35,
OK, no worries :)
Well let's hope one of the others wins so you don't have to put up with a week of something you don't like...
I'm off to go study more about these 'meme' bandwagon thingers so I don't inadvertantly put my foot in it and or say 'epic' or 'win' or 'unicorn' again in the wrong context.
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Fri 30 Sep 2011, 10:42,
I'm off to go study more about these 'meme' bandwagon thingers so I don't inadvertantly put my foot in it and or say 'epic' or 'win' or 'unicorn' again in the wrong context.