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# is there any chance you can just post a picture:
- without any back-story?
- without attacking another b3ta member?
- without linking to DA?
- without any fucking drama?
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:02, archived)
- without it being a half-baked, unfinished pile of shit?
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:08, archived)
Terrible entirely justified bullying
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:19, archived)
# or oversized
and say *click* on every pic i post, or at least something on anyone's
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:22, archived)
# My god, you're right
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:23, archived)
# i'm ALWAYS right!
what am i right about?
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:35, archived)
# It's oversized
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:40, archived)
# all of her pics are oversized
i just find everything about her irritating. maybe i'll just tell her that next time

edit - ha ha! ^
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:45, archived)
# I wouldn't bother. She'll just say "Thanks! :D" and irritate you even more.
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:46, archived)
# classic troll behaviour.
i don't get why she's here, other then jj, but he rarely posts here anyway.
da is clearly her audience, why she can't stay and bore them over there i don't know
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:50, archived)
# Classic textbook stalker behaviour
(, Tue 11 Oct 2011, 14:55, archived)