the Church should be on their side really. In fact I think the actual clergy are on the protesters' side but unfortunately this is politics and it's not that simple—not when the Church's board of trustees is in the hands of people who have fingers in financial pies.
The board of Trustees is represented in the image by the Jet Set Willies in the top hats on the right, in between the clergy and the Demons.
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:33,
I wouldn't pretend to know,
but they do have a lot of property, and they're always selling off old churches, although their income probably isn't so much these days now that most people no longer regard regular attendance as a kind of patriotic duty.
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:42,
worse than Hitler
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:45,
The Great Santa.
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:47,
I'm thinking of buying one and setting up a Church of Awesome,
if I happen to come into a few million quid somehow. Back in the old days you'd just have got your mates to build one on the top of a hill with stones you found lying around, it's not so simple anymore, it's all red tape.