We weren't well off enough to actually stop in Mablethorpe, we used to stop in Sutton on sea and travle the mile or so to get there...
You remember the cowboy manikin that you had to draw against then! in the arcade on the corner..
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search,
Sat 21 Jan 2012, 13:36,
I really don't remember much about the place
just that the sand used to fucking sting your legs when it was windy. And it was ALWAYS windy.
Michael Ellis contributes nothing,
Sat 21 Jan 2012, 13:39,
It's bracing...!
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search,
Sat 21 Jan 2012, 13:45,
haha true, it's just up the road from Skeggy too
Michael Ellis contributes nothing,
Sat 21 Jan 2012, 13:48,
i remember those!
real i'm not happy 'til you're not happy,
Sat 21 Jan 2012, 13:59,
God it was difficlt to win as a kid!
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search,
Sat 21 Jan 2012, 14:05,