It is perhaps the organisers of the sport's
fault for not being harsher on the punishments given to troublemakers.
Ultimately, I think that people often enjoy sport by feeling that they belong to a crowd, rather than for the sport itself, and herd mentality can be dangerous if not controlled.
Football has been allowed to get the reputation of being a thuggish sport, and so it is now going to attract those types.
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Wed 13 Jun 2012, 12:03,
Ultimately, I think that people often enjoy sport by feeling that they belong to a crowd, rather than for the sport itself, and herd mentality can be dangerous if not controlled.
Football has been allowed to get the reputation of being a thuggish sport, and so it is now going to attract those types.
I feel "tribalism" is a better term for this sort of thing than "herd mentality".
"Herd mentality" covers the relentless churn of consumerist fashions ("OMG must buy teh new hawt thing 'cos everyone else is!!!111one") nicely; but "there's an arbitrary difference between us and them, let's bash the shit out of each other" distinctly reminds me of that scene from the start of 2001 where the apeman tribes... bash the shit out of each other over an arbitrary difference between them.
Your sentiment's spot on, anyhow.
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Wed 13 Jun 2012, 12:16,
Your sentiment's spot on, anyhow.