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# To my old school's credit, they did teach us about other religions, like Bhuddism, Judaism, etc.
Didn't really appreciate the whole assembly thing every week though.
I remember going to the headmaster to ask about a possible Halloween party of some kind, but he insisted it was a 'Satanic holiday' and would be disallowed. What utter shit.

I do remember having a few teachers who didn't go for the whole religion thing either, and would discuss it with them, about the only part of primary school I enjoyed.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:51, archived)
# I get the distinct impression that our headteacher didn't give too much of a toss about religion
Some of the teachers did but the headteacher seemed - well, not normal, I think she's probably one of the more eccentric people in the village, but at least very rational and inclined towards education rather than indoctrination. I think ours was one of the few primary schools in the area where even utter idiots came out able to read, write, more or less spell, and add up. I know that doesn't sound like much of a claim to fame, but it genuinely is.

I didn't mind Assembly every week. Pretend to sing a song, sit there not listening for twenty minutes or so, go into class. I honestly cannot remember what they were about. Maybe that's where all the religion stuff was dumped...
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:05, archived)
# Most of the teachers seemed not to give a rat's arse; it was all about the job, I guess.
The supply teachers were something to behold though; some of the most bat-shit crazy, and in a way, scariest people you could ever hope to meet. I could see why they weren't proper teachers, I'll say that much.

Assembly wasn't *too* much of a hassle, but I just felt like I could have been doing other stuff in the time being, because I wasn't learning much about... well, anything.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:15, archived)
# You were learning how to deal with tedious meetings that are keeping you from doing anything else
Vital preparation for a working life.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:17, archived)
# I've fallen asleep at such meetings in college, etc.
I really didn't learn anything, did I?
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:20, archived)
# No
Should've paid more attention. Or less. Whichever.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:24, archived)
# Whatever it was I did, I'll assume it worked. :D
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:33, archived)