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# Saw the petition and drew this
Petition: epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/1230 No creationism in state funded schools
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 19:52, archived)
# At no point did we evolve feet then? BLASPHEMER! BURN THE SCIENCE-HERETIC!
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 19:54, archived)
# but as you can see our common ancestors also didn't have feet
science remains
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 19:55, archived)
# also, stage 2 is Wayne Rooney
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 19:55, archived)
# I think stage 1 is more like him
or perhaps stage 1 is a younger, hairier and more youthfully optimistic Rooney, and stage 2 is how he looks now - balding, stockier and with the serious gaze of a man in the prime of his career. And the whole thing represents Rooney's life cycle, and he'll be fully human by the time he's 60.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:04, archived)
# Past 60, will he turn into a star-chld, and then back into single-celled organic matter?
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:29, archived)
# Probably
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:08, archived)
# Back?
(, Tue 17 Jul 2012, 0:21, archived)
# I like how the second one along has got a little stone age cornetto..
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 19:58, archived)
# I think you'll find it's a calippo
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:01, archived)
# It'll take some sucking whichever it is.....
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:04, archived)
# a line I use often
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:21, archived)
# The ice cream man must love you ;-)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:30, archived)
# especially when I ask for crushed nuts
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:32, archived)
# Just don't accept if he offers sauce...
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:34, archived)
# he does a lovely plum coulis
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:39, archived)
# actually our ice-cream man is stone deaf
and he plays his fucking chimes at mega-ear splitting volume.

I don't know which fact is the cause of the other
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:00, archived)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:10, archived)
# Walls shoud so make that
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:33, archived)
# *salivates*
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 23:32, archived)
# no wai
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:01, archived)
# the second from the left looks like your self portrait :)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:03, archived)
# Ha Ha...it sure does.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:08, archived)
# Excellent drawing!
I like evolution and science.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:05, archived)
# Too right.
It'd seem condescending to say their minds aren't developed enough for them to develop their own opinion on the world, but I do think established, tested and proved evidence of how the universe works, and how we as a species developed, isn't taught enough in schools.

I used to read a lot of books on the subject when I was a nipper, and would tell the others in my class about it all. I blew their minds. XD
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:07, archived)
# To be absurdly hyperbolic, this fills me with extreme alarm
There is no way the basics of evolutionary theory are beyond a seven year old, same as the basics of literacy, numeracy and electronics are not beyond them. By the time you're in secondary school it's ridiculous to think people can't understand it. It boils down to "Does this mutation make it easier for someone to eat and find someone to fuck? Yes: mutation is favoured. No: mutation is disfavoured. And then we end up with giraffes and mice."
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:20, archived)
# But then, but THEN,
if we start teaching children about animal breeding at such a tender age, they might get the wrong idea and all grow up to be zoophiliacs! And produce weird animal-human hybrids, which would be even more confusing! No, we have to tell them all the baby animals are delivered by storks until they're at least fourteen, otherwise they'll all be on farms trying to make their own baby sheep! You know what kids are like these days!
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:25, archived)
clearly this is what should happen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ983dbDrng
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:27, archived)
# Can't they put that camera on a fucking table or something?!
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:01, archived)
# I know, I tried to find a better video
but it was taking too long. The only one that's half decent has about 30 seconds of pointless shite before it starts and is then subtitled in Spanish.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:03, archived)
# Fair enough
Worth the linkage anyway :)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 23:22, archived)
# I know right?
I admit, I'm no Kubrick, but I could think of a more sensible recording technique than this.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:05, archived)
Jesus. Honestly.

Edit: Wow.

Well, I'm not gonna "argue," but let me say this:

The Resurrection (where Jesus rose from the dead three days removed from his crucifixion) is just much a concretely proven historical event as the crucifixion itself.

Therefore, Christianity is valid. Period.

Yes, you've totally convinced me! The Resurrection is just as much a concretely proven historical event as the crucifixion itself! True, I've never seen any evidence that the crucifixion ever occurred, nor that Jesus ever existed - though that one's opening a massive can of worms because people don't seem to like to accept that there's zero evidence for him, absolutely zero - but that doesn't invalidate anything you said!

OK I'm going to shut up about this before I get into an argument with anyone :)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:06, archived)
# Sorry! Don't hit! D:
I know it's not your fault. I went looking for a clip from the Simpsons which was either in German or contained a grand total of about 17 pixels. Was well gutted.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:09, archived)
# yo totally joking here man
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:10, archived)
# I know, I know. ^^
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:19, archived)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:24, archived)
# Christmas is ruined
Thanks to YOU, Boris
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:12, archived)
# Christmas is all about Santa Claus!
South Park teaches me everything, and one thing it teaches me is that Christmas is about Santa. Even Jesus says so!
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:13, archived)
# Nuh-uh, Christmas is ruined because of the Grinch.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:22, archived)
# but if you are never taught that before secondary school
and instead have fluffy hymns during infant school assembly and RE lessons once a week, it's unsurprising how a large percentage of the british population are slightly brainwashed in to the Christian belief system (or at least were being so up until I was about 13)

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but never forget children are incredibly easy to mould if you only provide certain information
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:27, archived)
# Oh, I know that very well
I went to a C of E primary school myself. I'm meaning there's no physical reason seven year olds can't understand the basics of evolution - their brains are perfectly developed enough. Reality is a different thing :(
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:29, archived)
# indeed
was the moment you realised you had been pointlessly lied to as infuriating and enlightening as it was when I realised?
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:40, archived)
# Actually, no, surprisingly
though in my early 20s I did go through a fairly typical period of strong anti-Christianity and went around the internet trying to convince hardline creationists that actually those of us studying cosmology *did* know more about it than them. I gave up when I found you just don't get anywhere talking with these idiots.

But I didn't seem to have a sudden, infuriating enlightenment. I just seemed to have a gentle slide into amused disbelief when I went through the Bible properly, reading it word for word. If more people did that we'd have fewer "Christians" in the world.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:43, archived)
# absolutely, or at least I assume so
I probably had 7 years of subliminal "religious education" (quotation marks because it wasn't it was Christian brainwashing) but at no point recall reading from an actual bible.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:49, archived)
# I don't recall a single Bible being used at primary school
We were given Gideon's copies of the Gospels in an Assembly once but it wasn't even by the school and I don't know if the headteacher appreciated it. I also firmly believe that next to no Christians read the Bible - at best, they read the Gospels, which are a tiny fragment of the entire book - and pretend they've read the Epistles, but evidently haven't since they argue that Christianity is not anti-gay (it is; or at least it is if we're being told that Paul was divinely inspired) or anti-woman (it is; same reasons). And even those who have read the Epistles and somehow reconciled them with not being a total cunt argue that the Old Testament is irrelevant.

How is it irrelevant? If it's irrelevant, why is it two thirds of the Bible? And where in the OT does it ever say that the "Law" can be "fulfilled", and what the fuck does it mean to "fulfill" a Law in the first place? Christ openly contradicts himself when he talks about the Law, both saying it will never be overturned "until the Kingdom is come" (which it clearly isn't), and also saying that it's not important because only Christ is important. Because that doesn't sound big-headed.

Pah. PAH.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:02, archived)
# I agree with pretty much all of this
Particularly: "I gave up when I found you just don't get anywhere talking with these idiots."

Although I quite like it when Jehovah's Witnesses turn up, if I'm in a good mood sometimes I just chat to them, doing my best to keep the conversation light-hearted, which isn't that difficult really.

When some friends and myself read through a bit of Genesis (we wanted to write a parody: The Bad News Bible...probably bindun) we couldn't stop laughing, it just didn't make sense.

(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:08, archived)
# Should've carried on into Leviticus and Deuteronomy
Then you, too, could find a law that should still govern every Christian nation: if someone digs a hole and someone else's donkey falls into it, the first man should pay the second for a donkey. Also, don't fuck your mum. Or your sister. Or your cousin. But if your brother dies, God commands you to fuck your sister-in-law. And if someone's raped in a city, kill her, she should have shouted for help.

You might have fun going to the Skeptics Annotated Bible and meandering through the Absurdities section. There's some pretty absurd things in the Bible. One I quite like is somewhere there - a believer can drink poison without being poisoned. Next time someone's really irritating you, challenge them to drink arsenic. The Bible says they'll be fine!
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:12, archived)
# I think I've figured out my next holiday reading material
Cheers :D
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 22:45, archived)
# I met someone last year in university who'd never even heard of evolution. No shit.
But yeah, as a child, I'd get stuck into any book about the typical boy-wonder topics, such as space, dinosaurs, etc. My late uncle would lend me loads of books that explained all this on a more scientific level, which all in all, is much more awe-inspiring and wonderful than a dusty old concept with nothing to back it up.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:28, archived)
# my daughter gets a thorough lesson on facts v myths every now and again
to counter the enforced collective worship bullshit she gets in primary school
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:36, archived)
# Hopefully by the time I have kids (let's ballpark it, 10-15 years from now, maybe)
this shit would have been wiped completely off the slate, and schools might consider teaching kids, holy shit, FACTS.

And if that's not the case, I'd certainly teach him/her what I learned by getting out there and doing some fucking reading.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:47, archived)
# they are bound to have eradicated it within 15 years
after all they've only been teaching it for about 900 years in schools! ;D
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:57, archived)
# It's a long shot, I admit. XD
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:01, archived)
# use a telescopic sight
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:06, archived)
# Might want to account for windage and the Earth's rotation too.
I mean, uhh...
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:08, archived)
# It's very alarming
Then again I was a real nerd (guess what? still am) and would sit there reading through books that were basically children's science encyclopedias covering history and science. Same kind of thing as you, I think.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:37, archived)
# Yeah, totally.
You say you went to a C of E primary school? Unfortunately so did I, and the libraries didn't have a single book covering basic astronomy, palaeontology or ancient biology. I'd have to bring in some of my uncle's books from home, from time to time. Sure, I did get a reputation of being a nerd (which followed me right through high school too), but I couldn't give less of a shit. I don't want to believe, I want to know.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:43, archived)
# My primary school was actually very good
They played down all the Christian stuff and while I don't remember being taught much astronomy or science (was anyone at primary school?) we did generally have a very good, broad education with so far as I can tell the minimum of Christian stuff. I wouldn't say it was secular but I think it was as non-pushy as any C of E school could be, even with the obligatory Church attendance once or twice a year, and the tedious "Let's all draw a picture of Jesus walking on the waves!" that you sometimes had. Actually the best primary school in the area - at least when I was there.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:46, archived)
# To my old school's credit, they did teach us about other religions, like Bhuddism, Judaism, etc.
Didn't really appreciate the whole assembly thing every week though.
I remember going to the headmaster to ask about a possible Halloween party of some kind, but he insisted it was a "Satanic holiday" and would be disallowed. What utter shit.

I do remember having a few teachers who didn't go for the whole religion thing either, and would discuss it with them, about the only part of primary school I enjoyed.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:51, archived)
# I get the distinct impression that our headteacher didn't give too much of a toss about religion
Some of the teachers did but the headteacher seemed - well, not normal, I think she's probably one of the more eccentric people in the village, but at least very rational and inclined towards education rather than indoctrination. I think ours was one of the few primary schools in the area where even utter idiots came out able to read, write, more or less spell, and add up. I know that doesn't sound like much of a claim to fame, but it genuinely is.

I didn't mind Assembly every week. Pretend to sing a song, sit there not listening for twenty minutes or so, go into class. I honestly cannot remember what they were about. Maybe that's where all the religion stuff was dumped...
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:05, archived)
# Most of the teachers seemed not to give a rat's arse; it was all about the job, I guess.
The supply teachers were something to behold though; some of the most bat-shit crazy, and in a way, scariest people you could ever hope to meet. I could see why they weren't proper teachers, I'll say that much.

Assembly wasn't *too* much of a hassle, but I just felt like I could have been doing other stuff in the time being, because I wasn't learning much about... well, anything.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:15, archived)
# You were learning how to deal with tedious meetings that are keeping you from doing anything else
Vital preparation for a working life.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:17, archived)
# I've fallen asleep at such meetings in college, etc.
I really didn't learn anything, did I?
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:20, archived)
# No
Should've paid more attention. Or less. Whichever.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:24, archived)
# Whatever it was I did, I'll assume it worked. :D
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:33, archived)
# Signed
religious cretins
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:07, archived)
# alright Jahled
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:26, archived)
# Gruffi!
Evening mate :)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:30, archived)
# I did enjoy the little debate over that pic I posted on FB!
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:33, archived)
# Me and my diseased brain
Edit: Oh that one. I stand by everything I said
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:44, archived)
# Kickballers v Troops
and my mate Kevin
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:58, archived)
# Hahahaha
Your mate Kev has a bit to learn about reality. The world is not a particularly pleasant place
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:16, archived)
# God took the last one's chin away.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:14, archived)
# he probably created a female mate for him from it
or a gay lover
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:15, archived)
# I particularly like the way that a petition about an important aspect of education
has such pisswankingly awful grammar.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:21, archived)
# Haha
I just went and looked at it - you're quite right. I'm not signing anything evidently written by an idiot, even if he is on my side on this.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:25, archived)
# hahaha, yes, better to be pedantic
than demand children aren't brainwashed
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:29, archived)
# Don't get me wrong, I'm all for keeping creationism out of schools
I'm also for stopping being so nice to the little darlings and forcing them to do some fucking work and learn something. Literature, languages, maths, physics, biology, chemistry, electronics - all of it vital, all of it horribly undertaught, and in my own field I can at least categorically say standards have slumped since at least 1990 (I got my GCSEs in 1996, I'm part of the failed generation too).

But to be honest I don't think signing e-petitions will get anywhere - if the Houses of Parliament do debate them, it's at a time when almost no-one is there and nothing is done; and if I sign a petition I'd rather it's at least been proof-read. Otherwise the irony of complaining about a lack of education in English that proves you neither know nor care about grammar is fairly self-defeating.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:32, archived)
# according the the creationist's definition of the word 'science'
rocket science implies that God made rockets fully formed around 1232 CE

(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:24, archived)
# and besides
the phrase should really be rocket engineering or rocket technology

I'll get me coat
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:26, archived)
# what are you some kind of brain doctorer?
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:28, archived)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:31, archived)
# Yay, lully pic :)
I learnt all I needed to know about this subject from that Fatboy Slim video...
Less facetiously, I've always been astonished that schools are allowed to teach things that can't be proven - it's brainwashing on a very fundamental level. "Oh, but if we don't teach religion, what do we do if one of the children asks us how the universe began?"
Tell them 'We don't know.' How hard can it be?
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:36, archived)
# what an incredibly badly written proposal
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:40, archived)
# which nicely proves there is no intelligent designer
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:45, archived)
# This.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:13, archived)
Brillant :O)
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 20:42, archived)
# obligagtory post about Dawkins in an evolution v creationism thread
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:05, archived)
# I am going to argue about this on Facebook
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:10, archived)
# nice pic, shame about the qotfw thread that came with it
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:13, archived)
# :(
I'm sorry. I'll shut up now.
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:15, archived)
# haha :P
(, Mon 16 Jul 2012, 21:21, archived)