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# Oh yeah...
I had a week of hell!
Ended up with some right bitch at Apple who took over my case... sent the charger, cable and iPad off to them and they 'lost' them!!!!!
I ended up e-mailing Tom Cook (CEO of apple) and she got a bollocking for her treatment of me from California, apologized And as a 'good will gesture' they are replacing the iPad mini! nice of them to replace something that I wanted fixing 3 months ago and THEY lost! (was sent DHL and I tracked it to the doorstep, It was signed for so they did get it... I even have the signature from DHL of the person who signed for it). Never EVER contact the press over anything! It's been hell on earth this week! My phone and Facebook haven't stopped, I've been everything from 'deep fried bounced' and apparently my heart stopped for 15 minutes!!!
Some cheeky Czechoslovakian web page farmed my banner pics from facebook I didn't know they where all public!
(, Mon 2 Sep 2013, 12:40, archived)
They might have reacted better you'd refused.
(, Mon 2 Sep 2013, 13:45, archived)
# I asked for an independent engineer and they refused!
DHL where on my doorstep in less than 3 hours!
(, Mon 2 Sep 2013, 14:14, archived)
# Your brown thumb has been seen by millions, rejoice!
(, Mon 2 Sep 2013, 14:14, archived)
# I knew my arse fuggeridge would one day make me famous!
(, Mon 2 Sep 2013, 14:15, archived)
# Ouch!
(, Mon 2 Sep 2013, 14:35, archived)
# Ha Ha!! o/
(, Mon 2 Sep 2013, 15:47, archived)