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# and He said unto the Enlightened:
'You and me. In a square room, no doors, no windows'
The Enlightened One was open-minded about the meeting but was both concerned by the internet threat and the impossibility of entering such an arena. He said: 'And how shall I enter such a room, my Lord.' And lo, 2.0 did rain down upon the Enlightened. The Enlightened missed taking the piss out of the Lord, so did it when he could be arsed. It pleased him to see how butthurt the Lord remained.
(, Thu 26 Feb 2015, 23:03, archived)
# Yadda yadda, it was written. For the enlightened...
...was not threatened. Merely words with which the enlightened feels he has
the 'edgy' bite for the mighty clique. I shall do the work as it was decreed, as is my calling. As for being bothered, you flatter yourself.
(, Thu 26 Feb 2015, 23:12, archived)
# "^ not bothered" said the Edgy-Enlightened One.
(, Thu 26 Feb 2015, 23:15, archived)
# A bloo, a bloo
a blooablooabloo.
a bloo
a bloo
a blooablooabloo
a bloo bloo bloo
bloo bloo bloo
bloo a bloo
a bloo bloobloo.
(, Fri 27 Feb 2015, 10:30, archived)
# Such a shining wit
Oh - no - wait, that was las week's compo. Never mind.
(, Thu 26 Feb 2015, 23:13, archived)
# ZING :)
nice one matey
(, Thu 26 Feb 2015, 23:16, archived)
# Zong!!
Roflcopter Cotton, Hawtrey, Thomas et al :)
(, Thu 26 Feb 2015, 23:20, archived)
# ^ Not bothered, upset or even a little bit worked up.
(, Fri 27 Feb 2015, 10:31, archived)