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- a member for 22 years, 0 months and 25 days
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I was in the local when two arseholes started having a 'go at each other. The harmless banter got rather more and more heated. This of course developed to the 'outside...NOW' threat. Outside they went and a few of us went to watch the 'scrap'. After a few minutes of blows being exchanged, it was quite obvious that one of them was gaining the 'upper hand. As the chap's nose got bloodier, the one who was winning asked 'Have you fuckin' 'ad enough yet?' 'Don't know' came the rply, 'I've never been in a fight before?'
(Mon 18th Mar 2013, 16:01, More)
I was in the local when two arseholes started having a 'go at each other. The harmless banter got rather more and more heated. This of course developed to the 'outside...NOW' threat. Outside they went and a few of us went to watch the 'scrap'. After a few minutes of blows being exchanged, it was quite obvious that one of them was gaining the 'upper hand. As the chap's nose got bloodier, the one who was winning asked 'Have you fuckin' 'ad enough yet?' 'Don't know' came the rply, 'I've never been in a fight before?'
(Mon 18th Mar 2013, 16:01, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Herb Garden For Sale
No Thyme Wasters
(Tue 8th May 2018, 13:04, More)
Herb Garden For Sale
No Thyme Wasters
(Tue 8th May 2018, 13:04, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
I went to a restaurant that just served Chicken dishes.
The portions were poultry!
(Sat 20th Oct 2018, 15:50, More)
I went to a restaurant that just served Chicken dishes.
The portions were poultry!
(Sat 20th Oct 2018, 15:50, More)
» What Makes You Cry?
Marley & Me
I mean seriously, cry? No. I bawl my eyes out. I look like I've had a shit in Mike Tyson's kettle and he's caught me doing it the day after.
(Fri 8th Aug 2014, 9:57, More)
Marley & Me
I mean seriously, cry? No. I bawl my eyes out. I look like I've had a shit in Mike Tyson's kettle and he's caught me doing it the day after.
(Fri 8th Aug 2014, 9:57, More)
» Stupid Colleagues
Well, there I was doing a self-portrait, can't for the life of me remember why. It was in my first job and I'd just finished then in walks one of the admin ladies, takes a look at the picture then at me, then (Gawd bless her) she says "Ooh, a self-portrait!"
"Mmmm, I said."
"Did you draw it?" Came the reply...
(Fri 4th Mar 2011, 14:27, More)
Well, there I was doing a self-portrait, can't for the life of me remember why. It was in my first job and I'd just finished then in walks one of the admin ladies, takes a look at the picture then at me, then (Gawd bless her) she says "Ooh, a self-portrait!"
"Mmmm, I said."
"Did you draw it?" Came the reply...
(Fri 4th Mar 2011, 14:27, More)