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# she did not
the reason I have posted here is that she is taking her options for key stage four and has decided AGAINST art???? :(
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 19:58, archived)
# I must admit that doesn't sit particularly well with me, but I'm not her parent.
Each to their own, and all that. I just know that I'm glad a parent didn't post the kind of angsty stuff I was drawing at 14 on the internet.

Because there wasn't an internet to speak of, but never mind
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 20:04, archived)
# Horses for courses
I feel if she knew she was good she may rethink her options (I probs won't tell her tho)
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 20:06, archived)
# with regard to her options maybe it's best left as a stress relieving hobby
and a private one at that? - i dunno - very talented regardless
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 20:27, archived)
# 100% artifus
She can do whatever she wants to do (veterinary nurse it is) I just worry about wasted talent - but happiness comes first for sure!
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 20:43, archived)
# Hey, it's up to her to use her gifts however she wants to.
Being a veterinary nurse is an amazing thing if that's her calling, and if she has the talent and skills to do that, she can still find outlets for her artistic gifts. It's not an either/or choice.
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 21:14, archived)
# Art for fun
and animals for work sounds a good mix.

Most people I know with an arts background only get to do the stuff they want to do in their spare time, anyway.
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 21:37, archived)
# She will draw when she wants to draw.
Maybe she feels like art in school is too structured and censored and conformist.
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 20:43, archived)
I wish you were her art tutor! All I hear is "She has morbid talent" :(
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 20:51, archived)
# I was drawing ghosts and graveyards and skeletons by age 7...
...and I turned out alright.....uh.......hmmm....
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 20:55, archived)
# I was drawing ultraviolent cartoons about psychotic hedgehogs killing every human in sight.
I turned out OK, I guess.
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 21:16, archived)
# “Add(s) friend”
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 22:24, archived)
# I dunno, this makes me feel more uneasy the more I think about it.
I don't doubt that you are genuinely proud of her and her talent, but it seems to me that it should be her choice whether to post her art on a public forum. Regardless of what your intentions were.

Of course, this is one person's opinion on the internet, I may be completely out of order here, so I'm just going to say that and leave it there.
(, Thu 19 Sep 2019, 22:41, archived)
# My nipper loved art,
But when she chose it as an option, she found it so stifling she hates to draw now.
(, Fri 20 Sep 2019, 8:07, archived)
(, Fri 20 Sep 2019, 18:47, archived)