Meeting with the 1922 lot.
Must have been a short meeting given that Brady was in the chamber for most of the time. A tenner says she’s gone by the end of the week; a quid says she asks Charlie to dissolve parliament.
jonbob loves you,
Mon 17 Oct 2022, 18:20,
I worried it might have been a NATO briefing
about the incident in Russia. It was probably a tense moment waiting to see what the Kremlin response would be.
brb Learn Ukrainian and prepare for a referendum,
Mon 17 Oct 2022, 19:11,
I'd be concerned about any briefing that gonk was attending, same way I was with Trump
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ,
Mon 17 Oct 2022, 23:56,