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# Not sure if you're referencing this, but he was reportedly telling people last week how he wanted to be handcuffed
Somehow his people manage to keep their belief in his victimhood intact.
(, Mon 27 Mar 2023, 21:12, archived)
# Not a surprise.
(, Mon 27 Mar 2023, 22:17, archived)
# Avoids having to pay Russian pee prostitutes to tie him up
(, Tue 28 Mar 2023, 10:42, archived)
# Yet more ammunition for his ongoing narrative.
(, Mon 27 Mar 2023, 22:24, archived)
# they wouldnt use handcuffs anyway. he's not going to run away
my feeling is that this one he really doesn't want, so this is trying to bluff and intimidate the prosecutors from going ahead with it. he has a lot of votes he needs to make up, and needs to keep his base, many of them bible belt
so if he's to push the "unfairly persecuted" narrative, each time it's mentioned it'll remind people it was about paying illegal hush money to a porn star he had adulterous sex with, just after his wife Melania gave birth. This might not get his base on board in the way he hopes it might. He was able to downplay the pussygrabbing, but he'll find it difficult to both exploit and hush pornstar payoffs at the same time. for other charges, sure, but not this one
(, Tue 28 Mar 2023, 2:29, archived)
# A chunk of his fanbase will have no problem with him being involved with a porn star, because things like laws and morals don't apply to special people,
and another chunk will dismiss her as a fake accuser who he paid purely to shut her up.

He can do no wrong in a lot of peoples' eyes ... “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters, okay?”
(, Tue 28 Mar 2023, 6:38, archived)
# These are the people who think that school massacres are fake and performed by crisis actors so The Left can justify taking away their freedom.
I'm sure they can believe that a porn star would tell lies about their favourite politician to make the religious feel they have to distance themselves.
(, Tue 28 Mar 2023, 7:03, archived)
# all this is true, but it's not the nutters and maga fuckwits he needs to win, he already has them
it's the seven million swing voters he needs back, while keeping the religious on side in lineball states like florida. he doesnt want the stormy daniels conviction, and he won't be able to exploit it. If he is convicted my guess would be he never mentions it.
Can you imagine at a primary debate him wanting his rivals and him to be focussing on his conviction on paying hush money after aldulterous sex with a porn star while married, which he'd have to do if he wanted the "persecuted narrative". It'd be gold to De Santis and the like. Anyway, that's my take. I've quite enjoyed not talking about him for a while
(, Tue 28 Mar 2023, 7:28, archived)
# As someone who has lived here for a quarter century - none of this matters. By and large, people remember the last thing they were told that they wanted to hear.
Not because they're stupid. It's a fucking hurricane of insane lies every day here. If the shop you're in only sells crap, you're going to be leaving with some crap.
(, Tue 28 Mar 2023, 12:21, archived)
# sometimes you just have to just enjoy the show
(, Wed 29 Mar 2023, 5:02, archived)