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# audioslave fucking rock.
but the new metallica album pisses on everything for the next three years.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:28, archived)
# No, that
Audioslave album is very poor indeed. Cornell is very good with his voice, but musically its just, well not very good (I mean good chord changes, but thats was Rage, change a bit Tom you freaky headed guitar god)
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:30, archived)
# morello is morello, no two ways about it.
asking him to do something different would be like asking a leopard to change its spots. I thought it was a quality record, full of strong songs, and some fucking great riffs.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:31, archived)
# Morello is a type of
decorative cherry, isn't it?

(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:33, archived)
# Personally Id
Like to rip that fucking switch out and stick it down his throat.

My prob is with stuff like "Like A Stone". That solo is dire. I mean dire. The song is good.

The record needed 4 more months work, and not Rick Rubin producing. then it might have been a bit more weightier. Zwan's album was much better for song.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:34, archived)
# cant say ive listened to Zwan
but i wasnt a fan of the pumpkins to begin with. Fact reamins though, St. Anger pisses on everything thats due to come out in the next three years.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:37, archived)
# It cant
Be better than QOTSA "Songs For The Deaf"
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:38, archived)
# non metallica fan
*raises eyebrow*
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:39, archived)
# its a fucking superlative piece of work.
the heaviest thing theyve done in years. its got more energy than anything ive heard in the last 5 years. Its just a big FUCK YOU to people that accused em of selling out and to people that said they couldnt do this kind of music anymore.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:44, archived)
# yeah... i'm sure its heavy...
but still don't you think it starts to sound like a kinda parody of the stuff they were making... 15 (guess) years ago or so?
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:45, archived)
# nah i dont think it is.
its much more modern, but the aggression is still the same. They just seem so focussed now.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:54, archived)
# i've never been a fan of agression
when it becomes agression for aggressions sake (dillinger escape plan anyone?) it starts to become almost manipulative in the way it plays with people who do actually feel those emotions very strongly
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:57, archived)
# Hmm, well
Lets see what non-die hard fans think, the true test...
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:46, archived)
# sell-out?
they backed their record label in suing their fans that dared to try to share their songs online. despite the fact that they were charging $50 a head on their us tour to see them.

even though they are shit, have always been shit, and will always be shit.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:51, archived)
# woo
well said sir
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:54, archived)
# nah i still like the guitar playing
some nice use of slap back delay... delay effects are my new friends :)
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:32, archived)
# i love long delay, repeated fully.
you can do some psycho riffs with it
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:34, archived)
# Aye.
Audioslave smell.
I was most let down.
(, Sat 7 Jun 2003, 2:32, archived)