I only had 5 gig. It's only about £1 a gig, but I used up my spare cash on the initial hosting and domain.
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 10:59,

unlimited bandwidth at the mo (prob until I renew next year at least)
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:02,

and how much space do you have? That's one of the problems with Blueyonder - I only have limited storage and the Braces Tower MP3s are linked from a few places, so it's not really practical to take them down.
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:07,

average about 3 gig a month.
I've got pretty much unlimited space as well. How much would you be looking to host?
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:09,
I've got pretty much unlimited space as well. How much would you be looking to host?

there are only two files - the biggest is 2.5 MB. But there will be more added this month (well maybe another two). As I said, I used up 5 gig over the weekend.
I'd be very interested if you could. Mail me at paul at skinkers dot com
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:15,
I'd be very interested if you could. Mail me at paul at skinkers dot com

I used up 5 gig over the weekend...I'm wondering whether the Blueyonder thing may be best. At least the site will be there at voodootrombonequartet.co.uk, even if the files are hosted elswhere. I don't think I'd need a lot to do that (all the image files are hosted at MSN communities anyway).
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:05,

Hows Monster Island coming on...I only ask cos I had another idea for a tune.
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:08,

but what's the idea? I normally have about 6 or 7 tunes on the go at any one time anyway.
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:10,

Pappa Legba popped into my head and I thought it would fit nicely into the Voodoo them.
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Mon 9 Jun 2003, 11:11,