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# RODS...UFO's (Sky one last night?)
can anyone remember the name of the web site as I am trying to explain it to a friend in the office...she thinks I have gone stark raving bonkers....
[roswellrods.com is not that good......actually it's not that bad..!!]
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 10:59, archived)
# when you've found that website
let her visit it for a while then when shes not expecting it, throw a rod at her, then laugh as she runs away scream 'the aliens are coming!' ha ha ha
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 11:02, archived)
# hahahah
that's a great idea !

And the roswellrods.com is the 'official' site I think. It's the one that Jose bloke kept on mentionig (and yes, it sucks balls)
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 11:08, archived)
# i watched that program too
i thoughht it was hillarious

How are rational people expected to take things like that seriously, when all the programs that are made about them feature haunting eerie music, scary announcers and effects that are designed just to make you feel scared?

Comming up NEXT... the pictures the GOVERNMENT _DON'T) want you to seee... dun un duuunnnnnnnnnnnnn

Editied for more ranting - there's still a few miles in this left i think

And the video clips they show. the same clips over and over and over with zooming in and those yellow target things. Then tiny sound bites from people saying" i dont know what they are" and "they are definatly UFO's" a UFO is the standard name for an Unidenfitied Flying Object. But people link UFOs with Aliens and secret government conspiracies.

The whole thing is just designed to pray on people paranoid side, it's an assult on the senses and it pissed me off.

If it were more like a documentary, with clear, rational information and talking it would have been a lot better.

phew. I think that's all i've got on this particular subject
/rant over
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 11:12, archived)
# This is so true
if something this big had been real and discovered it would have been in all the papers, the music really does ruin stuff like this, mind you, they americans did put stupid music and hollywood style titles on the twin towers bullitins and that was real, all showman ship crap, reduced it to something that just doesn't appear real.

Makes me wonder just how the kids over there are supposed to know fact from fiction when you can never tell if you are watching the news or a film.....

/ sorry, Ill just get me coat..!!
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 11:30, archived)
# Looks like we should start a club and get T-shirts printed..
Can anyone come up with a good one....something that smacks at how these programmes are so shite and unreal.... I dunno it's too early for me to be thinking about this.....
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 11:32, archived)
# I saw a dodgy one the other day,
I believe it was called "Worlds Scariest Places". It was about some island in venice where they had plague pits on it and later a mental hospital where some doctor performed sick experiments. Once again totally ruined by the music, and some dodgy girl reading the scene titles in a mock scary voice.

Shame, could have been quite interesting without the bull.
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 11:43, archived)