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i used to be
a pretty prolific poster.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:30,
archived )
but now you're a handsome prolific poster
oh, how age changes us.
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:31,
archived )
how true.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:32,
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i wish anyway.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:33,
archived )
I remember at easter
we were about level... we still are, despite individual ups and downs in our rates - we're not the same person, are we? (p.s. my last post was 12480, woo for irrelevant milestones!)
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:33,
archived )
hmm, how rare.
and i hardly posted at all when i first joined.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:34,
archived )
meaning i must have started posting properly
when you first joined.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:35,
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Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:36,
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I scooted ahead early
then eased back to almost human levels... my average is about 60+ per day, although I know I've done hundreds some days then gone weeks without posting.
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:36,
archived )
i just worked it out, and i'm only at about 36 a day. mind you, when i started, all this was fields.
bananaman ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:39,
archived )
Fields? Pah!
You were lucky! I had to wade through primodial soup!
The Duke Of Your Fingers feels like an old man... mmm, tasty! ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:44,
archived )
I average under 5 a day.
goat thinks you're shit ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:40,
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