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# Right.
I love you all but you are still fuckers.

The reason? We have been offering free tickets (guesties) to the Jazz Club in London tonight and no-one wants em.

Shame on yez.
If ye wanna go, get in touch soon! before 7 :)
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:41, archived)
# Bit far for me
but your offer is appreciated nonetheless...

hmm nice.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:43, archived)
# tis no good.
Pah! :)

But, send me an email @
greg AT livegigguide DOT com before say, 7:30 and I'll sort it oot for ya..

(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:44, archived)
# When I get myself a GOOD job
I will live in Londinium.
Then we will always party. Oh yes.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:43, archived)
# Dude?
Do it now! Now!
We are missing party time NOW!!

hugs and kisses (but no man love), Hugo

p.s. Mmmm beer inna sun!
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:45, archived)
# that reminds me of a pub quiz machine question i got the other day
it was:

What is the official colour of taxi cabs in London:


The answer was London

What the fuck colour is London ????
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:46, archived)
# A dirty grey/brown
with a whiff of all things cooked (non-vegetarian or british)

(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:48, archived)
# Grey.
And grey.
But today, coz of the weather it was also full of babes (yes, little cute pigs!) in mini skirts!

Hummus I could not...
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 17:49, archived)