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# have a break, have a kitty kat.
Quick one for now, time to leave work!

(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:03, archived)
# ooh i like that
i do!
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:05, archived)
is The Nice!
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:06, archived)
# sk-sk-sk-sk
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:18, archived)
# do you still
have that rather disturbing skeletor story thing on your site?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:38, archived)
# That wasn't my site
(I wondered what you were on about for a minute). Hang on...I'll find the link. But it was nothing to do with me or this Snake Mountain. Freaked me out when I read it - and made me laugh quite a lot.
I think this is what you mean - here
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:41, archived)
# yep
that's the bunny. just assumed it was you, with the snake mountain business...
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:45, archived)
# I think the people that did it are in Brighton as well.
I sent them an email, but never heard anything back.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:47, archived)
# if i was him/her, i dont think i'd want
to be known as the author of that, though... :\
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:50, archived)
# what a splendid
second post
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:06, archived)
# yes
it's true i only joined started posting today..
:) but it needed to be done!
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:07, archived)
# good for you
but prepare to lose touch with reality

it's just that i remember someone earlier noticing that the newbies (i've had a month and 880-odd posts: i'm not new anymore) are doing some class "hello i'm new" posts
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:08, archived)
# First postage
this was the image in my first post not in any way relevant but fun none the less.

(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:13, archived)
# very nice m8
i missed that one...
mustve taken a while?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:14, archived)
# just
a bit..heh.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:17, archived)
# that is a nice first post
relevance? what's that?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:15, archived)
# some
kind of thing
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:16, archived)
# well fuck off then!
and take your undoubted talent with you!
no chance of frontpages with gits like you about....hmph

\angry off

Welcome m8, and woo!
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:09, archived)
# yay
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:13, archived)
# Good thinking Batman
I likes a lot
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:08, archived)
# very
funny, made me chuckle
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:09, archived)
# yay!...but
why isn't the cat in x-ray?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:14, archived)
# xray cat can see through wooden doors
the xrays of kittens wern't as funny :)
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:18, archived)
# They Might Not Get it in the UK
Break Me Off A Piece-a That Kit-Kat Bar...
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 19:03, archived)
# kit kats
are british m8
....invented by ebineezer kat at his uncle dudleys rendering plant in 1876
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 19:34, archived)