you heard about that, huh? =) yeah, it's INSANELY expensive here... a beer is usually AT LEAST 600 icelandic crowns, which is roughly 60 danish crowns, which is, again roughly, £5. which sucks. but the girls here are sooooooooo cute =))))
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Mon 4 Aug 2003, 21:09,

opinion that Icelandic girls were the tastiest on the planet. And he would know...
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Mon 4 Aug 2003, 21:11,

but thought it was a lie when I got here, the ones I saw weren't *insanely* cute. But now I've been here for about 5 days, and it turns out they were just hiding, shy little things! and they are *INSANELY* cute =)I'll post some pics, I think I've cought a few with my camera so far (not that I'm the type of guy that walks around town taking pictures of cute girls... *cough*)
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Mon 4 Aug 2003, 21:16,