i don't know why your gf has the best norks either.
i'll help you find out if you want :)
everybody has their own personal preference. yours is bum, mine is legs, Sunshine Elephant's is being made of matter
Or is it?,
Fri 8 Aug 2003, 16:21,
Oh no, that's not my preference.
But I LOVE her norks, because I love her...
My personal fave is the bum... AND she has a nice bum...
Keep yer hands off of my GF ;)
I just got your reference to S.E. and I disagree, he'd go with holograms too, you know.
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck,
Fri 8 Aug 2003, 16:23,
oh you're right
well then his is "his being alive"
Or is it?,
Fri 8 Aug 2003, 16:28,