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# you've seriously got a spam with the bbc thing in it?
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:03, archived)
# from brynnjones20 brynnjones20 [[email protected]]
B3ta - BBC interview with Rob Manuel about B3ta etc

Have you seen this?


Apologies if you've seen this already



Express yourself with cool emoticons - download MSN Messenger today!

(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:04, archived)
# and it wasn't even to my b3ta email address
it's one from one of my shops


not, er, a plug or anything ;)
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:05, archived)
# yep, that's the fella
emailing the full headers now...
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:05, archived)
# i feel like i'm being set up or something
* can't imagine the BBC doing this
* why would I bother? If I wanted a lot of people to read it then I'd blog / newsletter it

very mysterious
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:06, archived)
# Maybe it's someone who wants us all to know
the *awful* truth!

That you're Ginger, and somewhat foreign by London standards
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:09, archived)
and won't let strange women feel your chest hair in pubs...
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:12, archived)
# mine was slightly different
From: "Lindalee2002 Lindalee2002"
To: xxxxxxx
Subject: Who is Rob Manuel? - B3ta.com BBC interview...
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 20:49:41 +0000

Who is Rob Manuel? - B3ta.com BBC interview...
Please see the interview and spread the word....




was sent to the contact address on my web site, not my regular e-mail address


edit: and the contact address on my web page is just an image, so you have to physically type the e-mail address in - so it wasn`t a spambot
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:24, archived)
# yeah
I got one last night - I assumed it was a boarder, but they didn`t reply when I asked.
(, Sat 23 Aug 2003, 19:21, archived)